Chapter 12

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Blake walks out, adjusting an earring.

"Ooh, that dress looks good on you." Reed comments.

"Thanks. Where are my fake eyelashes?"

"Over here." Alice says, handing them to Blake.

"Thanks." Blake says before going over to one of the mirrors in the back stage area to apply the lashes. Meanwhile, Hunter tries to smooth down her hair and gives an exasperated sigh.

Chris chuckles and walks over to her, "You having trouble there?"

"You know the thing hair does when you don't straighten it for a while and then you put it behind your ears and it curls?"

"The flippy thing? Your hair does that too?"

"Yes! And I can't get it to go down in the back."

"Here, let me see." Chris says.

Chris takes the straightening iron and starts to play with Hunter's hair.

"You know we're friends when I trust you with a 300 degree metal stick near my head." Hunter says.

Chris laughs, "Well, your hair seems to be cooperating now."

"Of course, when someone else does it, it cooperates!"

"It's probably just because you can't see your hair in the back like you can with your hair in the front."

Chris sets the straightener down and Hunter adjusts herself in the mirror.

"There...You look beautiful." Chris says.

Blake's heart falls, having heard that. Blake glances over and sees Hunter blush just slightly.

"Thank you." Hunter says.

Blake begins to grow angry. Maybe it wasn't a super big deal, but that pissed Blake off. Chris had not once used the word 'beautiful' to describe Blake. It was always something along the lines of 'hot' or 'sexy' which, in the right moment, were flattering...but there was just something different about the word 'beautiful'.

Chris notices Blake watching and his eyes slightly widen. He walks over to Blake.

"Wow, Blake, you look...amazing."

Blake's arms cross, "Oh, so do I only look amazing in a short dress and heels?"

"What? No, of course not. You always look great."

"Really? 'Cause I sure don't hear that very often."

Chris blinks, "Are you okay?"


"Are you sure?"

"Oh yeah! I've never been better!"

"You don't seem like it."

"I told you, I'm fine." Blake says before shoving past Chris and walking off.

Chris turns to the rest of TYI, "Okay, I don't speak estrogen; did I do something?"

"No, it's not you. I think I know what it's about." Mara says.

"Really? What is it?" Hunter asks.

Mara, Alice and Reed all glance at each other, not quite knowing what to say that wouldn't put Blake in a bad position.

Just then, Hunter's phone rings.

"Oh, shit, hold that thought." Hunter says before answering her phone, "Hi, Mama."

"Hi, second mom!" Alice, Reed and Mara exclaim in unison.

Hunter laughs, "Did you hear?" Hunter says into her phone, "Mama says 'hi'."

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