Chapter 10

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Elijah returned home safe and sound and everything was fine. They had a show in South Bend, Indiana and many relatives of the TYI band members showed up. It was great for them to be with family and for Hunter to know that Elijah was okay.

The night after the show in Indiana was another off night. Blake steps outside and looks around. They'd spent most of last night and today driving south, so it was warmer and fireflies lit the night sky. The door of MIW's bus opens and Chris peeks his head out.

"Oh." He says before stepping out and shutting the door, "I thought you'd either be Reed with a joint or Mara coming over to yell at us for something."

Blake laughs, "No, it's just me. I needed some fresh air and I love looking at the fireflies."

Chris nods, "They're pretty tonight." He says, "When I was a kid, my brother and sister and I would run around every night trying to catch them during the summer."

"I did that too with my mom before she left..."

"Well, at least that's a good memory you have of her."

Blake shrugs, "I guess."

There's a pause.

"Are you a natural blonde?" Chris asks.

"How'd you know?

"Well, not to be a dick or anything, but your roots are starting to show."

Blake laughs ,"I'll have to run out and get some dye then. I've only just started dying my hair this color, but I like it red."

"Yeah, I do too. It looks pretty on you."

Blake smiles, "Thank you."

There's another pause.

Blake reaches out and catches one of the fireflies. Blake smiles.

"Hey there, little guy."

The firefly flies off and Blake smiles, watching as it disappears.

"Has anyone ever told you you have a really nice smile?" Chris asks.

Blake's smile grows, "Not to my recollection."

" do."

Blake goes to say something, when the door to TYI's RV opens to reveal Alice.

"Blake, Mara wants you."

Blake huffs, "What did I do now?"

Mara calls from inside, "Nothing, but LILO AND STITCH IS ON SO YOU NEED TO COME WATCH IT WITH ME!"

Blake laughs, "Coming! Night, Chris."

"Later." Chris says.

Blake and Alice go inside and Hunter steps out with Chris.

"You're not gonna go watch Lilo and Stitch?" Chris asks.

"They've made me watch that over eight million times, I won't die if I miss a little bit of it. Or maybe I'll just go read in my bunk."

"You sound like Ricky." Chris laughs, "What are you reading?"

"'Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock'."

"What's it about?"

"This kid that wants to shoot his ex best friend and then himself."

"Oh. That sounds...dark."

"It is. It's brilliant."

Chris laughs, "I'll have to read it some time."

"It will rip you to shreds."

"Then it must be good."

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