Chapter 9 - You do NOT Mess with Me when I'm Pissed

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~Tyshi's POV~

"WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" I shouted at them; obviously very pissed.

Zero: Err...Umm...

Itchii: We can explain!

Yeah...explain all this motherf*cker...Explain!!

I wasn't the type of person to judge things just from seeing them once--I know, I know, shocking as it may seem, it's the truth--So...I was more-or-less willing to hear their explanation. Even though any other person can see what they're doing.

I. F*cking. Hope. They. Have. Some. Kind. Of. Excuse. To. Save. Themselves.

I flipped my hair over my shoulders. 'Cause I'm fabulous.

"Ugh, Well?!" I rolled my eyes. "Entertain me." I demanded.

"Uh, umm..." Zero said backing away from Itchii "His zipper was stuck so I..." He trailed off.

"Couldn't he just do that on his own?" I wondered.

"Yeah, but..." He scratched his very tiny head, I honestly think that his hand is bigger than his head--kidding, kidding. "The thing is...he couldn't."

"Oh, for f*ck's sake..." I muttered "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Hurry up." Sitting on the bed--thankfully, they weren't sharing one--and eyed them.

Since they weren't moving a bit, I raised an eyebrow. "What? What are you waiting for? We're gonna be late ya know?! Yanade and--"

I gasped mentally.

Oh no you didn't...

You didn't just cut me off...

"Yeah, that's exactly what we're thinking too!!" Itchii said "But how can we dress up when you're--"

No one cutts me off.

No. One.

"You're only lacking your shirt, right, dumbass?" I said pissed off. "I suggest you move now." I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow again.

He was about to throw another insult at my face, and I'd throw in another and etc.

God, we've been arguing so much, I know exactly what's gonna happen already...damn, it was getting boring.

Moving on, Zero grabbed his chest and mouthed 'Let it go' Itchii looked at me and I raised an eyebrow--again. He shrugged Itchii's hand off--quite pissed off, if you will--and continued putting on his shirt.

Itchii did the same and gazed at me with the what-are-you-doing? look and I just tilted my head and pouted as if saying "I'm Innocent". He laughed at my childish gesture and continued dressing up.

I mean, it's not my fault. What did Itchii think? That I was gonna rape him with my eyes? No. No way. Not in a million years.

Well...if he'll have a body that would make me want to  eye-rape him then...I'll think about it.

But! The thing is, he doesn't. So why's he getting so worked up about this? I mean, I've ONLY seen him wearing only his boxers for about, maybe...a hundred times (Note the sarcasm) why's he only reacting NOW?

Once they were done, we went off and headed towars the building. The walk was slilent--not that I cared, though.

Oh god, I just realized that we have to go through the stairs...again! Oh no...I wasted all my energy b*tching about Itchii out loud! I'm totally worn-out.

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