You thought that this was a new update, didn't cha?

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Well, hello there, good stranger. Sorry for trolling but yes, as the title said, this isn't a new update. Sorry. I really just wanted to say something that I've been wanting to do but not sure if I should.

Drum roll please!

(Drum roll)

I would want to make another fanfic(s).

Okay, yes. I admit that I'm a lazy ass because I haven't finished this story yet, but guys! I REALLY REALLY want to! I have like 8 drafts ready to save and publish but...

You know my nature. I'm bipolar like a b*tch. I have really no idea when the updates would be and the more, I don't know when I'll be able to finish them.

SOOOO, long story short. I'm asking you! Soul Eater fans who've been patient enough to wait for my updates! Should I or shouldn't I?

(I didn't just post this on my message board because there are anti-otakus out there who'd constantly point out that I should finish my first stories before making a new one. Which I know I should but please, NOT ON MY MESSAGE BOARD.)

Okay, the fanfics I've been planning to make are:

*Sword Art Online: Weapon X Online

*Fairy Tail: Fight like a Fairy

*Diabolic Lovers: Diabolic Conflict

*Another: Another and Another

*Fullmetal Alchemist: Red Demon Alchemist

*Deadman Wonderland: After the Wonderland

*Code: Breaker: Ex-Code: 01

*Mirai Nikki: Dead End.

Those are ALL based on the mangas so it'd be really different from the anime. (Duh XD)

I'm not sure with the first 3 though, cause--one--Fairy Tail's not finished yet--two--I haven't read SAO's manga yet (only watched the anime) and--three--I only know the characters in Diabolic Lovers. (lol XD) But the rest are good to go!

If tomorrow/later/the next few weeks I'm able to make the covers and post 'em, the chapters would update everytime I get a slap in the face by motivation.

In short when snails run as fast as the ones in Turbo.

Okay, joke.

I'd probably ONLY post the prologues so...don't hope much. That's a warning.

Oh, and...PLEASE ANSWER: Should I or Shouldn't I?


Wait up for Yanade and Trina's Grand Battle! I'm really sorry for this!





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