Chapter 2 - The Grim Reaper

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~Naomi's POV~ 

I looked at my friends for the last time, nodded then exhaled. I looked at the DWMA and was about to enter when-- 

"KYAAAAAAAAAA!" We heard a scream that made all of us turn around--talk about ruining the moment. 

When we turned, we were shocked at whom we saw, it was Sienna--my sister, and Chloe--Crys' sister. They were hugging each other with their eyes closed.

Sienna and Chloe were ultra super mega bestfriends, they were both 14 years old--2 years younger than the rest of us.

Then I laughed. I couldn't help it anymore, their faces were so funny.

After hearing that, Sienna and Chloe's eyes opened, looked at each other, then at us and they screeched "Where are we?!"  

Then we all laughed. They were like those popular girls who just broke their nails--they're such sissies. 

Cyrs went up to both of them and said "Guys, chill."

While trying hard not to laugh. 

"Chill?!" Chloe said "Where the heck are we?!" 

"I said chill, we'll tell you guys about it late--

"I demand an explaination!!" Chloe announced.

I sighed and came over them.

"Naomi! Where are we?!" Sienna asked.

I sighed again and rubbed my neck. Well, if they're here, might as well tell them everything.

I started to explain; right from the very start until the part that they came. I also told them about going in the DWMA. 

"Are you crazy?!" Chloe screeched again after I was done explaining.

"SHUT IT!!" Crys hissed which made Chloe duck her head but muttered "I am not going in there." 

I laughed sarcastically, I don't know what Sienna sees in Chloe, cuz all I see is a selfish, spoiled rich kid.

Oh, and HINT: We're not that close.

"That's fine with me, but I am not leaving my bestfriend's sister and my sister's bestfriend to die in this desert." I said meaning every word. 

Then I wonder 'Is she even related to Crys?'

I mean...I know Crys, even if she gets mad she's not gonna get like this.

I think.

"I'd rather die here than in there!!" She yelled while pointing at the DWMA.

I guess she's adopted. 

"How are you so sure that you are gonna die in there?" I asked; confused.

"PUH-LEASE, I watched their shows, I know what's gonna happed if you don't have any of those weapon-thingys." she said crossing her arms.

Please...anyone...please stop me before I do something that will make my bestfriend hate me forever. 

"That's all planned out." Layla said making the four of us turn around. 

Sweet Jesus!! Thank you!! I almost punched the girl in the eye. 

"A-a...How?!" Chloe stammered.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," Layla said "Now get moving...or I went stop Naomi from kicking your sorry ass again."

I laughed quietly and move towards Layla "Ok, what's the plan?" 

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