Chapter2: More than a Nanny

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Bella's P.O.V

AuthorsNote**** The picture up⬆️ is a girl with a purple sweater. And she will be Kaylin. But a bit smaller. And so just ignore the two other children they are nothing part of this story. Like and comment for more updates👍😊
     "Bella, always a pleasure to see you!" Harry smiled, as he opened the door. I smiled back, and walked into his house. "Always a pleasure working here." I replied. He smiled and got himself a coffee mug. He motioned for me to sit, and I complied. "Kaylin is asleep." He informed me. I wasn't shock. Considering it was only 7:45am.

     "I have a few things to talk to you about." Harry said as he leaned over the counter, the coffee mug sat in his hands perfectly. I nodded and leaned back in my chair. "I know you have recital this weekend" He said. I nodded. "Are your parents going?" He asked. "Do they ever?" I asked. He chuckled and shrugged. "Kaylin and I will be there to support you. I already took the weekend off of work to see you dance." He said. I smiled
"Harry, that's so nice of you. But you know you don't have to take off of work. I mean, my recitals are only once a month , you don't need to go to every single one of them." I said. He shook his head. "Your apart of this family as well, Bella. And I support my family." He replied. I smiled. "Thank you, so much Harry. It really means a lot." I replied. He smiled and nodded.

      Kaylin came walking down the stairs, with her teddy bear in her grasp, and her eyes barely open. "Girl, you have got to wake up earlier. We are wasting daylight." I said. She opened her eyes, and ran to me. I picked her up, and kissed her forehead. "Hi baby girl." I said, she smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder, like everyday. "Is my baby tired?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. "How about we take some naps today, yea?" I asked. "No. Big girls don't take naps." She replied. I smiled. "Then don't act so tired then sleepy head." I said. She smiled, and I laughed at her.

           "Alright, I have to get going." Harry said putting his mug in the kitchen sink.
He walked to me and kissed my cheek, then kissed Kaylin. "I'll see you later baby." She nodded and he sighed. "I know you don't like it when I work baby, but I have too." He said. Kaylin nodded once again and sighed. "Alright, I love you." He said, kissing her one last time. "Bye daddy." Kaylin replied. The door opened, then closed, Kaylin jumped up for me. "Dance." She said. I smiled, and shook my head. "Baby, I have rehearsal today, which means you get to come." I said. She smiled brightly. "I didn't call your dad though, shall I call him?" I asked. She nodded. "I will when we leave. But now, let me feed you." I replied. She smiled and ran to he chair, and sat down, while I got out breakfast.

"Shall I call your dad now?" I asked Kaylin, as she buckled herself in her booster seat. She nodded, and I press the call button on my steering wheel. "Call Harry." I said into the speaker. I heard the dial tone, then ringing. "Harry Styles' office, who is calling." A women answered. "This is Isabella Foster, I'm Harrys nanny, can I speak to Harry please?" I replied. "He is in a meeting right now with a client." She replied coldly. Kaylin gave her a sour face. "Okay, thank you." I replied, hanging up. "I guess we have to visit him then. I have an hour before I need to get to dance." I said. Kaylin smiled and nodded.

"I can't wait to see daddy!" Kaylin said, as we walked in hand, into Harrys building. I smiled, and pressed the UP button on the elevator. Kaylin jumped in the elevator, which made me laugh, because she gets too excited, so she tries to kill us all.

The elevator doors open and I walked out, with Kaylin trailing behind me. I walked up to the desk and smiled. "Can I help you?" The lady asked coldly. "I'm here to see Harry Styles." I replied. "Do you have an appointment" she asked. I shook my head. "Then goodbye." She faked smile. "Is he free at the moment?" I asked. "No" she answered quickly. I took a deep breath. "Can you call him for me?" I asked, getting annoyed. "I'm sorry, I never got your name." She said. "Isabella Foster. I'm his daughters nanny." I replied. "Well, it doesn't look like an emergency considering his daughter is right next to you. And I don't see a reason for you to go into his office." She replied.

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