Chapter seven: Day off

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Before warning: This chapter will contain sexual content. If you do not like sexual content, just skip this part. Thank you.

"No sex, remember." I whispered, as Harry closed his door. "No sex. Promise." He replied. I nodded. He walked to me, and smirked. "Oh I will make you feel so good." He smiled, as he crawled across the bed. I brought my knees up to my chest, and smiled.

He leaned over my knees, and kissed me roughly. I opened my mouth more, and his tongue fought for dominance. Of course, he won. "You. Have. No. Idea. Mhm. How. Long. I've been. Waiting for. This." I said, in between kisses.

He moved my legs, so they were flat on the bed, and he moved in between my legs. He broke the kiss, and looked at me. "Can I take your shirt off?" He asked. I nodded. He pulled my shirt over my head, and smirked. "Your turn." I panted. He pulled his shirt, and threw it on the ground.

"Pants?" He asked. I nodded. He unbuttoned my shorts, which made me tingle. "Don't mind me." He laughed. I giggled, and lifted my hips, so he could slide down my shorts. He licked his lips, and kissed up my stomach. I moaned, as he came up to the valley of my breasts.

His hand up my thighs, and stopped at my area. "I'm going to make you feel so good." He smirked, pulling my underwear down. I gulped, as his fingers slid across my entrance.

He put his hand on his boxers, and started to pull them down. "Harry." I said breathlessly. "Do you trust me?" He asked. I nodded. "Do you trust me?" He asked again. "Yes." I answered. He climbed onto the bed, with no clothing, and climbed on top of me. "In order to do this, you need to trust me." He said. "I do." I replied. He nodded.

His finger pressed into me, and I raised my hips. "Trust me." He said. I moaned, and he nodded. He pressed his tip to my entrance. "N-no." I moaned. "Trust me." He whispered, kissing my breast.

He removed his tip, and put his finger back. I leaned my head back, as he circled his finger around in me. "Oh my god." I moaned. He smirked, and kissed my stomach.

"Do you trust me?" He asked. I nodded. "Give me your hand." He said. I let go of the bar on the bed, and put it into his hand. "Trust me." He said. I nodded. He moved my hand down to his member. My hand tightened around it, as he enclosed my hand. "Move your hand up and down." He instructed. I did as he said, and he moaned. "Keep. Doing that." He said. I nodded.

He added another finger in me, which brought me over the edge. "Let go baby. Just let go." He whispered in my ear. He brought his head to my breasts, and kissed all over them.

My toes curled, and I leaned my head back. My eyes shut closed, as my walls came crashing down. I moaned his name, loud. "That's it baby." He whispered, kissing my neck.

I moved my hand faster, due to me 'letting go'. Harry moaned my name, and I felt a warm liquid on my hand. He got off of me, and laid next to me. He was still panting, as well as me.

"Holy. Shit." He panted. I nodded, and pulled the covers up to my body. "It's... So hot." I whispered. He nodded, and got up. He walked over to his air machine, and turned it on.

"Did I make you feel good?" He asked. I nodded. "Very." I replied. He smiled. "Where'd you learn to do a handjob like that?" He asked. I shrugged. "That was the best one." He said. I smiled, and leaned into his chest. He kissed my head, and smiled. I kissed his chest, and I fell right to sleep.


"Daddy, I heard weird noises last night." Kaylin said, as she sat at the table. I chocked on my coffee, and coughed. "Bella, are you okay?" She asked. I nodded, and took another sip, trying to convince them I was okay.

"Are you going to work today?" She asked. "No, I decided to take off. Uncle Lou is taking my spot today. Just for you." He replied. She smiled brightly.

"I'm making breakfast. What do you want?" Harry said, walking to the stove. "Bella makes really good... What do you make Bella?" She asked. "Breakfast enchiladas." I replied. She nodded. "The trick is to use your hand." I said, turning towards Harry. He smirked.

I started on the dough, while Harry greased the pan, and cracked the eggs. "No shells." I said, pointing a finger at him. He made a face, and turned to me. "Get the cheese and ham." I said. "You're so bossy." He replied. "Do you trust me?" I asked, mimicking his words from last night. He smirked, and kissed me. "You're burning the pan." I said.


"Bella, these are so good."' Kaylin said, eating one enchilada. I smiled, and put more on the plate. "Well, your dad did lots of cooking." I replied. "Daddy is a good cook." She exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

"What are we doing today?" She asked, as I took her plate. "Well, I was thinking, we can go to the zoo." He said. "The zoo!" She yelled. I smiled. "Go get dressed, and brush your teeth, and I'll do your hair." I said. She nodded, and ran up the stairs.

"So, last night." Harry said, putting his hands on my waist. I smiled, and turned my head. "Last night was great." I replied. He smiled. "I told you I can make you feel good." He said. I smiled, and nodded.


"Daddy, look!" Kaylin yelled, pulling Harry along. I followed them, and sighed. It's so hot. "Bella, come on! I want to go in the water!" She yelled. I groaned, and walked over the where they were standing. "Who the hell puts a pool, next to a damn zoo. It's so stupid." I complained. "You're just jealous." Harry replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Kaylin, you need you swimmies!" I yelled, as she jumped in the pool. "Kaylin!" I screamed. I jumped in the pool, and swam to the bottom of the pool. I grabbed Kaylin, and swam up with her.

I carried her out of the water, and laid down on the ground. I was breathing heavily. Why would you make a pool that has a ten foot deep-end.

"Kaylin! Bella!" Harry yelled. I could feel my heart racing, due to swimming down ten feet, and then back up. Harry pressed his mouth to Kaylin's, and she coughed.

"Bella, are you okay?" He asked, kneeling next to me. I nodded, and continued to breathe heavily. He moved me into his lap, and I sighed. "Can... You take me home?" I asked. He nodded, and picked me up.


Harry's POV

I handed Bella a cup of water, and she drank it. "Thanks." She said. "Thank you for saving Kaylin." I said. "She's like my own child. I would save her, even if it would kill me." She replied. I smiled.

"How do you do it?" I asked. "Do what?" She questioned. "Have a smile on your face all day, watching Kaylin." I replied. "I just... Think the positive." She said. I sighed. "What's wrong?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Let me pleasure you." She said. I smirked, and nodded. She threw me down on the couch, and climbed on top of me. "Someone's feeling better." I smirked. "I only swam ten feet. Im perfectly fine." She replied, kissing me. Dear lord!

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