Chapter twenty-six: First day of school

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"Bella, you have to wake Kaylin up. She has school today, and she can't miss it." Harry informed, as I put his coffee on the table. "Me? Seriously? You can't do it?" I asked. He looked at me. "I have work in twenty minutes, and I have meetings today." He replied. "But, I have school." I whined. "And so does Kaylin. Now, go wake her up." He replied. I groaned, and turned away.

"Kaylin, hey, baby, wake up." I whispered. She groaned, and turned around. "Kaylin, come on." I groaned. "No, mummy, leave me alone." She groaned. "Kaylin, let's go. You have school today." I whispered. "School?" She asked. "School." I replied. She screeched, and jumped up.

"Daddy! I have school!" Kaylin yelled, running down the stairs. I heard Harry laughing, as she ran down the stairs. "Slow down. Slow down." I said, as she almost fell down the stairs. She slowed herself down, and giggled. "Whoops." She smiled. I rolled my eyes, and continued walking down the stairs.

"Daddy! I have school today!" She yelled, climbing onto Harry's lap. "I know. Are you excited?" He asked. "Very. I can be like Bella." She smiled. "Not quite. I'm way older than you." I laughed. She huffed, and leaned into Harry. "You just crushed her dreams. Bad Bella." Harry said. "Bad Bella." Kaylin giggled. I scrunched my nose up, and shook my head. "Hey, I'm not bad." I laughed.

"Oh, I have to go." Harry said, finishing his coffee. "You can't take me to school?" Kaylin asked. "No, I'm sorry sweet cheeks." Harry sighed. He got up, and kissed her head, then walked to me. "We need to talk when I get home. You'll be here after school, right?" He asked. "Um.... no actually... I end before her, I'll come to your office, and tell you. But... you won't like it." I replied. He nodded, and grabbed his brief case. "Bye baby girl, I love you." Harry yelled. "I love you!" Kaylin yelled back.

"So, let's go get you dressed." I smiled, putting my coffee down. She smiled, and ran up the stairs. "This child is going to kill me one day." I groaned, walking up the stairs.


"Why are you late?" Ashton asked, as I ran into school. "I had to take Kaylin to school." I replied. He nodded, and walked to his locker. "Where's Luke?" I asked. "He's... right there." Ashton laughed, as Luke walked to his locker, which is right next to mine and Ashton's. "Well, hello to you too." I laughed. "Oh, sorry. Rough morning. My brothers are here. And mum is going insane." Luke sighed.

"Speaking of brothers, my brother is taking me out to dinner tonight." I sighed. "Isn't that good?" Ashton asked. I shook my head. "Bell, hurry up." Jason groaned. "Okay, okay, calm down. We don't have business for another five minutes." I replied. He sighed, and leaned against my locker. "Is Harry single?" He asked. "Yes, why?" I asked. "Because I want to date him." He replied. "First of all, you have a boyfriend. Second, he's not gay. Or Bi." I replied. "That's what you said, but look what happened." He smirked. "Okay, I was drunk, at Ronnie's party, and Sarah was there, and we both were drunk. Wasn't my fault. She kissed me first. And I'm straight." I replied.

"You made out with a girl?" Michael asked. "No, they had sex." Jason smirked. They all looked at me. "I was drunk." I defended. "Were you drunk when you kissed my sister?" Jason asked. "Okay, no offense, but your sister is so hot. I would date her if I was a guy. And no, I was not, because like I said, she is hot." I replied. "How many girls did you kiss?" Luke asked. "I'm going to say.... ten." Jason smiled. "No! Way more than that." I defended. "Oh, wow, that's hot." Michael smiled.


"Good morning everyone. We have a project today, about the business world. Each of you will choose a partner, and a business worker. You both will research, and interview that person that you choose." Mr. I said. "So, choose your partners wisely." He smiled.

Everyone came over to me, and asked if they could work with me. I looked around the group of people, seeing Eleanor sitting in her chair, with her head down. I got up, and walked to her seat. "Wake up!" I yelled. Her head shot up, and she groaned. "What?" She asked. "You fell asleep. Why are you so tired?" I asked. "Sorry. Mr. Styles is working me hard." She groaned. "I could talk to him." I smiled. She shook her head.

"So, do you wanna work on this project together?" I asked. "Sure. But on who?" She asked. "Harry." I laughed. She nodded, and stood up.

"Are you and Harry still....?" She asked. "No. Friends." I replied. She nodded, and smiled. "You were cute together." She smiled. I laughed. "Thanks." I replied. "So, when did you decide to stay friends?" She asked. "Um... after I lost the baby. We broke up, and remained friends. And now, we're kind of like we were in the beginning." I replied. "Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked. "Not yet. But I know if I did, I wouldn't tell Harry. But I think I'll stick to no dating for a while." I replied.

"So, maybe tomorrow we can go to Harry's after school, and work on the project?" I asked. "Sounds good. But I have work tomorrow." She sighed. "I'll get you out of it. I'm sure Louis or someone can take your spot." I replied. She nodded, and picked her bag up. "Do you want a ride?" I asked. "No thank you." She replied.


"Hey princess. How was school?" I asked, as Kaylin ran to me. "Amazing!" She yelled, throwing her arms up. I laughed, and took her hand in mine. "Did you have fun on your first day?" I asked. She nodded. "What did you do?" I asked. "Read books. Played with blocks. Had snacks." She replied. "Did you make friends?" I asked. "No." She replied, making a face. "Why not?" I asked. "People are mean. I sat by myself." She replied, as she got in her car seat.

"We are going to see daddy." I informed. "We are?" She asked. I nodded, as I turned down a side street. "Why?" She asked. "Because you need to tell daddy about your day." I replied. "Daddy is always busy." She sighed. "Daddy is a busy person. But he works for you. He buys you clothes, food, and he has a home for you." I replied. "You work for daddy." She said. "I know I work for daddy. But princess, daddy does everything for you." I replied.


"Nicole, is Harry in a meeting?" I asked the secretary filling in for El. "Nope." She replied. "Can we go in and see him?" I asked. "I don't care." She huffed. I nodded, and took Kaylin's hand in mine. "Get the phone. It's ringing." I informed, before walking into Harry's office.

"Harry, you seriously need a new fill in." I said. "I know. She sucks." He replied. I nodded, and sat down. "How was school sweet cheeks?" He asked, picking Kaylin up, and putting her on his lap. "Good. We read books. Had snacks. Played with blocks. But I didn't make any friends." She replied. "No friends? Why?" He asked. "People are mean daddy." She replied. He nodded. "Why don't you go tell Uncle Louis all about your day at school." He smiled.

"So, what do we need to talk about?" I asked. "I'm... seeing someone." He said. "Harry, that's great." I smiled. "But you won't like the person." He sighed. "Who is it?" I asked. "Sh-" "You seeing her again! What happened to her being with the guy!" I yelled. "Bella, calm down." He sighed. "She cheated on you, Harry. She got pregnant when you two were still together!" I yelled. He closed his eyes.

"Well, since we're coming clean, I guess I should tell you why I won't be there tonight." I spoke. He nodded. "I decided to get together with my brother." I said. "Are you crazy! He practically helped your step dad rape you!" He yelled. "And Shauna cheated on you, obviously you can look beyond the past!" I yelled back. "Shauna didn't rape someone, Bella. Your brother helped your step dad!" He yelled.

"You're not going to together with your brother." He spat. "And who are you to tell me not to?" I asked. "Everything that he wasn't!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes. "It's bad enough that you're seeing Shauna, but I'm not stopping you. But you're stopping me seeing my family." I said. He sighed. "Fine, see your brother. But I want you to call me if anything happens." He said. I huffed. "Fine."

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