Chapter ten: Fight

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"Harry, where's peacock?" I asked, as I looked at the station wagon out front. "Not here. I decided to be more of a dad, and get an old car." He replied. "But... I liked peacock." I pouted. "I'm kidding. Peacock is around back." He smiled. "Peacock!" I yelled, running outside. I ran around back, and smiled. I ran to Peacock, and sat on the hood. "Hey!" Harry yelled, walking to me. I laughed, as he picked me up, and put me on the ground. "Now there's a mark on my car." He pouted. I giggled, and kissed his cheek, but he turned his head, making his lips touch mine.

"It's Harry Styles!" Someone yelled. We turned around, hand in hand, and the next thing we knew, paparazzi crowded us. "Bella, get in the car!" He yelled, over the paparazzi. I opened the door, avoiding any pictures of me. If I got out to the world, about me and Harry, I would be dead.

People banged on the window, trying to make me realize them, but I just kept looking down. Harry's door opened, and I looked up. "Keep your head down. I don't want you to have your life ruined." Harry said, getting in the car. I put my head down, and scrolled through my phone. "I'm sorry about the paps." He said, driving out of the parking lot. I shrugged, and looked up.

"It shouldn't get online." He said, pulling up to my school. "Harry." I replied, showing him my phone. He read it out loud. "Harry Styles' New Girlfriend?" He read. There was a picture of Harry kissing me, and holding my by my waist. My waist was perfectly clear, perfectly able to see everything. "Bella, I'm... so sorry. I didn't want this to happen." He said, turning to me. "It's okay. It's fine." I replied, taking my seatbelt off. "You need to call me if anything happens today, because I need to know." He said. "I will." I replied, taking my bag off of the floor.

I opened the door, only to be bombarded by people. I got back into the car, and put my head on the seat. "People saw it." I sighed. "Let me walk you in." Harry said, opening his door. I opened mine too, and pushed my way through the crowd. I met Harry in front of the car, of course, people following me.

"So, you're the sort of boyfriend." Calum said, once I saw the guys. Harry nodded, and shook hands with all of the guys. "So, you're the nanny, and the girlfriend?" Michael asked. "Sort of girlfriend." I replied. He nodded, and smiled. "Bell, I have to get to work." Harry said. I nodded, and he pulled me in for a hug. He kissed my head, and smiled. "Call me if anything happens." He said. I nodded. "Oh, and." He said, pulling car keys out. "The station wagon, I wasn't kidding. I'm going old school." He said. I looked at him. "Peacock is parked in a spot." He said. I jumped, and smiled. "I swear Bella, you come home, with one single scratch on peacock, it will be worse than the time you broke my mum's plate." He said. "I guess I don't want to get a scratch." I said. He nodded. "Go to class. Call me if anything happens. And if I don't answer, you have Taylor's number, call her, and she will inform me, and you will come right to the office." He said. I nodded.


"Bella!" Someone yelled behind me. I turned around, seeing the most popular girl in school. "You think because you're dating some millionaire, you can mess with everyone, and get them to like you!?" She yelled. "You think you can take a popularity spot!? You're American!" She yelled. There was a crowd of people around us. "I knew it was you. How old is he? Twenty four? Someone say slut." She said, pushing me. "Don't push me." I spoke, walking backwards.

"Scared?" She asked. I shook my head. "Just like you were when your ex boyfriend abused you." She said loudly. I gasped. "H-how did you know that?" I asked. "I know people." She replied. "No one knows that." I said. "Not even your little boyfriend?" She laughed. I gulped, and backed up more. I tried to backup even more, but I bumped into a chest. Jocks.

He pushed he foreword, staying behind me the entire time. Her fist came up to my jaw, and connected to it, then, to the side of my face, then to my jaw again, then to my stomach. "You're not popular, America. You're nothing. Your ex proved that, after he abused you." She spat, before walking away, with her bright pink heels clinking on the ground.

I was left on the ground, coughing, and bleeding. I brought my shaky hand to my pocket, and called Harry.

"This is Harry, leave me a message."

I went to Taylor's number, well, her work number.

"Harry Styles."


"Bella? Is everything okay? You don't sound good."

"Harry told me to call... if something happened."

"He's in a big meeting."

"He... told me you would call him."

"I will. Is everything okay?"

"I'm... coming to the office."

"I'll let him know."

I hung up, and got up, feeling completely dizzy. I coughed, and walked out the school doors, to the parking lot. I found Peacock, and groaned as I got in the car. I turned the key, and took a deep breath. How could she know about Austin? No one knew. None of my friends know. Not even Nina, or my mom. Harry, of course, knows. But no one is supposed to know.

As I pulled up to the office, there was security guards at the front door. I parked the car, and got out. "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you can't go in." A big man said, as I walked up to the door. "Call Taylor Prescotti." I answered. He nodded, and called Taylor. "Alright, go on in." He said, opening the door.

As soon as I got off the elevator, Taylor rushed to me. "Oh my. What happened?" She asked. "Harry?" I asked. "Still in his meeting. It's very important." She said. "Did you tell him I called?" I asked. She shook her head. "Call him, and tell him." I said. She nodded, and I went to sit down. I groaned, as I moved.

"Mr. Styles."

"Taylor, I told you last time, this is important."

"Yes sir, I know. But... you have... a guest."


"Um, Bella arrived about five minutes ago. She... doesn't look good."

His door opened, and he walked out, with a worried look on his face. Once he saw me, he ran to me. "What happened!" He yelled, as he touched my face. I groaned, and turned my head. "Bella, there's bruises all over." His worried side is showing. I coughed, and clutched my stomach. "Let me see." He whispered. I shook my head. Truth is, I don't even know what it looked like.

He lifted my shirt up, both, him and I looked down. Right in the middle of my stomach, was a big bruise. I gasped, which followed by a cough. "Taylor, get Bella cleaned up. My meeting is almost over." He said, getting up from his crouched position. He helped me up, and sighed.

"There's... something else." I whispered. He looked at me, and I closed my eyes.

"My baby!" He screamed. "I swear, I didn't do it." I defended. "Who hurt my baby?" He asked. "Um... Jesse Wayne." I replied. "That jock kid?" He asked. I nodded. "Lets get you back inside." He said, taking my arm.


Harry's POV

I folded my hands on my desk, as I resumed my meeting. "Sorry sir." I replied. "Family emergency, understood. We can continue this another day." My boss replied. "That would be great." I smiled. "Say, next week?" He asked. "Perfect sir." I replied. He nodded, and shook my hand. "I like how you're involved with your family. Business comes second, family comes first, just like me." He said. I smiled, and nodded. "Nice man. Parents must be proud." He said. "They are sir." I replied. He smiled. "Call me sometime, I would love to meet your family, and this lovely woman you have been telling me about." He said. I smiled. "Yes sir. I will definitely call you." I said. He nodded, and walked out.

Bella came in, and sat down. "Tell me what happened." I said. "Well, I was walking through the hall, when Brittany called me out. And told me things. And she... talked about the abuse from Austin. And, that I'm nothing. And told me I'm a slut. And she pushed me. And that's where it all went downhill." She explained. "How did she know about Austin?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay." I said, getting up. She nodded, and looked down. "I'm... sorry about peacock." She whispered. "Peacock is just a car. And it's only a dent, that can be fixed. As long as you're okay, I'm fine." I replied. She nodded, and hugged me. "Thank you for calling me." I whispered.

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