Death Below

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     Lira is dead. Mom is on the verge of death. I'm a complete screw up. The voices say I should get it over with. Maybe I will...
     Toby walked along the sidewalk, his hands shaking in his pocket. Mellow music lulled him as he walked his path. Today was the day. The voices drove him to it.
     Toby reached a cliff overlooking the sea. He paused his music to hear the calming waves crash against the rigid rocks. The rigid rocks which he planned to impale himself with.
     He sat down staring out, second guessing his choice. What if his mom did get better? No, she wouldn't. And once he was dead she'd cut the cord. They could meet in heaven right? Or would he end up in hell?
     Toby continued to contemplate his decision. Do it, the voices told him. You have nothing to live for. His hands twitched in his lap as tears threatened to form. This was it then.
     He stood up, his hold body quivering. Who knew this could be so difficult, to end your life. He spread his arms out, the wind whipping his face. Yes Toby, the only thing you can succeed at. Just fall now.
     Toby set one foot over the edge, holding back his instinct to not do this. Without anymore hesitation, he jumped.
     Fear struck Toby. This wasn't the right choice. He couldn't leave his mom. He looked down, tears stinging his cheek. He wasn't falling though. Coming to his senses, he felt the grip of a pair of hands on each arm.
     He was hoisted back over the cliff and sat on the ground. He was... Alive. But who? He turned around to see two figures. One had a mask to cover his face, the other a hood which silhouetted his showing features.
     "W-who are y-you", he stuttered. Neither answered him. What were they doing though? Why did they save him? "W-why d-didn't you let m-me die?" Still no response. Instead he was greeted by a punch to the face, which knocked him cold.

A/n: yes I did it... I wrote a creepypasta fic.... Yes I know I have things I'm working on.... But I mean.... Inspiration! Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry for it being short though. They'll get longer soon enough. This is kind of I guess a prologue if you will, but I wanted a chapter title so...

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now