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     The dreams continued to happen. It was nearly the same thing over and over, with the exception of Natalie being a conscious source. He now came to the conclusion that these were not just dreams, but a subconscious reality in which this entity, The Operator, communicated.
      The Operator had been quite violent with Toby. At least, he had in his dreams. On occasion he'd wake up with bruises or a nose bleed. At first it freaked him out seeing how something not there could harm him, though he soon became accustomed to the blood stained sheets.
     The past week or so of these dreams had caused his eye bags to blacken and make his eyes look like they were sunk in. His brown hair was growing quite long too. He wondered how Masky had kept his hair so neat. Maybe it was the lack of nutrition. Toby and Natalie seemed like the only ones who ate anything around here. They were the ones raking the money in though.
     The days hadn't seemed as long as they once had. Between missions had seemed like a lifetime, in the beginning anyways. The last one felt like it was right around the corner. Toby occasionally heard Hoody and Masky talking in hushed voices about a new mission. It seemed to be weighing a toll on them. They were suddenly becoming quieter each day, which was really only odd for Hoody.
     Currently Toby sat on a tree branch with Natalie. She had grown comfortable enough to tell him what happened to her. He had yet to feel the same comfortability. Gently the breeze swayed the branches, making Toby feel nervous that they were going to fall. Seeing that it was holding two people and the wind blowing like it was, it seemed it would snap any moment.
"So a-all this h-happened b-because a boy?" Toby had asked the question without thinking and now feared any consequences. Natalie rolled her eyes, a look of dissatisfaction on her face. "No! It just happened to be a breaking point I suppose", her voice trailed. A breaking point... She was just mental. Wasn't he the same though? No, if you questioned it, you knew it was wrong. That didn't make you crazy did it?
Toby sighed, sorry for asking the question. He didn't bother to express it verbally. "I'm gonna head back in okay?" Natalie looked into his eyes briefly before jumping off the branch. She landed with ease, but not quite graceful. Not that Toby could do any better. He'd probably clumsily fall into his face while trying to land.
As soon as Natalie disappeared, Masky came from out of the house. "Toby", he called out. "O-over here!" Toby waved his hand, the movement capturing Masky's attention. "Hey Toby", he said disheartened. Toby looked at him quizzically. What was wrong with him? Toby knew he was a quiet person, but now he seemed so... Depressed.
"Can we talk?" Toby nodded, waiting for him to speak. The wind whistled, filling the silence between the two. "M-Masky?" Masky snapped his head towards Toby, as if he had been in deep thought. "Toby, can you come down please. I think you should be in a stable position." Toby was still confused as to what was troubling him. Did it have something to do with the mission him and Hoody had been speaking about?
Toby jumped off the tree branch, hoping to imitate Natalie. Just as his left leg was about to leave the branch, it snapped. Not only messing up his balance, the noise startled him, causing him to lunge away form the branch. There was no way he'd land on his feet. Placing his hands out, he attempted to catch himself on the ground. His right hand hit the ground, breaking the fall.
Toby screamed as a sharp pain was felt in his elbow. Tears immediately stung his eyes. As soon as all of him was on the ground, he gripped at his arm. The pain ran all the way, up and down his forearm. Masky was shocked, and it took him a few moments to assess the situation. Hoody rushed out the door, Natalie casually following him. "What happened", Hoody asked.
Masky looked at him, "he fell onto his arm. I didn't hear a snap, but he's obviously in pain." Toby was now surround by the three. He bit his lip, holding back any urges to scream anymore. He didn't want to be portrayed as a weakling. "I-I'm fine!" The pain was obvious in his voice though.
Surprisingly, Natalie was the one to walk up to him and try to figure out what happened. "Lemme see." The other two backed off and she kneeled next to Toby. Using her hands, she felt around the joint of Toby's elbow. He held back cries as pain surged more from the movements. "It's just dislocated, hold still." Toby obeyed as best he could. "W-what are y-you-" Before he could finish his sentence, a pop was heard, followed by his scream.
"W-what the h-hell!" Natalie looked at him in disbelief. "Your welcome! I just fixed it." Walking away she mumbled insults towards him. Rubbing his elbow, he still felt immense pain. Man, she was confusing.
Once inside, Toby sat at the table, an ice pack numbing his elbow. Along with him was Masky and Hoody. Natalie was nowhere to be seen. "S-so what d-did y-you wanna talk a-about?" Masky sighed, seemingly not wanting to discuss the situation. "Well", Hoody began. "We want to talk about the upcoming mission."

A/n: sorry if this seemed a little random, but it is here. I seriously cannot wait for the ending! Like, you don't understand. I have so many ways to write and just!.... Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and hope you are having a fantabulous day! ^_^
Ps: sorry if the title is bland. I didn't really know what to call it. The pictures sort of irrelevant too, haha...

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now