Mission Four: Day of Death [Finale]

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      Toby laid in his bed, angry with how his comrades were acting. He stormed in so blinded, he didn't even realize Natalie. "What's your deal", she asked bewildered. He looked up at her, obliviously mad at the world. "Geez, forget I asked..." She turned off her lamp and turned away as to hide herself in the shadow.
      Toby groaned, becoming agitated with the fact that he couldn't understand his outburst. There was a burning fire in him. Why had it surfaced now? He laid down, grunting as his head touched the pillow. Finding it discomforting, he beat at it, before settling back on to it. Slowly as he drifted to sleep, his anger simmered down.
Toby looked around confused. Pitch black again. It was another visit from the Operator. "W-what?" Suddenly he was back to stammering. It made him feel weak compared to his wakened self , and a sense of being a child washed over him.
Maniacal laughter followed his statement, the sound sounding scratchy and resonating through his skull. Done good with what? "E-excuse me s-sir?" His lack of confidence whittled him down to speaking respectfully, even when just moments earlier he had been ready to stab someone.
His time had come? Was he going to die? Did he miss his chance at redemption. His last chance at whatever pathetic redemption this rendered. He could feel tears welling in his eyes. "P-please n-not yet!"

Silence filled the air. Did he disappear? Before his thoughts could expand, Toby felt himself entrapped within those suffocating black tendrils. They were squeezing him so tightly, he was choking on nothingness. He couldn't see beyond the black. Soon he felt something oozing, burning. He screamed. The tendrils felt like they were loosening, but along with it he was being burned by some type of sludgy acid.
     Toby shot up out of bed, feeling out of breath. He touched his face, his chest. Everything was normal. He heaved, wheezing with every breath he took. "Toby", a sleepy voice questioned. Toby didn't hear her. He was somewhere else. The bedding next to him sunk, something touching his shoulder. He flinched back, pushing her hand away. "Don't touch me", he said harshly. Even with the darkness, Toby could tell she was looking at him in disgust.
     The bed next to him rose back up. He sighed relieved that she had left him. He didn't need to be near her. Slowly he got up from his bed, recalling a mission that needed taking care of. Maybe he could get one more done before The Operator decided to take his life. He needed to get this done as quickly as he could.
      Grabbing the axe by the edge of his bed, he hurriedly ran down the hall and out the door. He hadn't bothered to close it, cause who was he to care. A house of murderers could handle themselves. He recalled all the details spilled by Masky. St.Bernard. Second floor. West wing. Room 237. He repeated this in his head as he went in search for the hospital.
Masky awoke, hearing someone open the house of the door. "Hoody", he called. No answer. "Hoody", he called somewhat louder. There was shuffling and then a mumbled "hm." Masky first put his mask on before letting any light flood the room. "Did you hear that?" Hoody rubbed his eyes and groaned. He wasn't a morning person. Well early bird really. It hadn't reached morning yet.
"No", he whined, really not wanting to get up. Masky saw this and decided to leave him to his own devices. Hurriedly he got out of bed, thinking that maybe someone broke in. They were in a crap neighborhood, and trey did just get new things. Masky reached the stretch before the door, chilly air touching any visible skin. He shivered. The door was open, so he knew he wasn't hearing things.
Instead of searching the house, he decided to go check in on Natalie and Toby. He could care less if something was stolen. He had lived without it all before. Briskly he paced down the hall, opening the door without knocking. "You're back?" Who was back? The room was dark so he couldn't see anything. "Huh?" Suddenly he was briefly blinded by a light. He looked around the room, only Natalie occupying it.
"Where's Toby?" She shrugged, not seeming to care. No one could blame her though. Then Masky thought maybe it was Toby who left. Where could he have gone though... Masky's face lit with recognition and he ran off out of the house. "Wait!" But Natalie was too late. She didn't bother chasing him down. Natalie turned off her light and fell back asleep.
Toby had went from walk to run, the adrenaline of one more task and his near death submerging to a reality level. This was happening. This was it. This was his only chance. The hospital wasn't in the city, but rather two cities over. It aggravated him that this was going to take awhile. He was now at a bus stop, awaiting for the next transportation to come by.
Masky wondered the city frantically. Toby was actually going to do the mission. Normally this wasn't a big deal, but he wasn't doing it in the right state of mind. Whoever he was now wasn't him, and he surely wouldn't of carried through if he had been acting himself. Finally Masky caught sight of Toby. He was waiting at a bus stop. "Toby!" Even if out of breath, he continued to run towards him. He hunched over, using his knees for support. "Toby", he said breathless.
Toby heard his name called and turned his head. Was that... Was that Masky? Oh he didn't have time for this. Why couldn't the damn bus hurry up already! "What", he asked annoyed. Masky looked up at him, still panting. "You can't do this!" Toby looked at him bewildered, "And why the hell not!" Masky held a finger up as to tell him to give him a second.
"Toby, you're not you. You can't go through with this..." What the hell was he talking about? Not him... He was himself! In the talking, living flesh. "Watch me", he said challengingly. Toby saw the bus finally arriving at its station. "Finally", he said relieved that he wouldn't have to hear anymore of Masky's nonsense.
The bus screeched to a stop and Toby waited impatiently to get on. "Please Toby", Masky begged. Toby ignored him. The doors opened and he stepped in. He placed his payment in the slot and didn't look back. The bus was fairly empty, though it was pretty late, or early. Depended on how you looked at it.
Masky stepped in behind him, not having any money in hand. "Sir", the bus driver said. He seemed a bit suspicious of him. He wore pjs and a mask, so it was a pretty odd sight. Toby gritted his teeth and walked back reluctantly. "Don't make me regret this." Toby inserted money for Masky to come along. Masky felt a tinge of hope that maybe Toby hadn't fully lost himself. The bus driver didn't seemed too pleased, but money was involved so he forgot his suspicions.
Toby sat in a seat towards the middle, Masky sitting next to him. "Toby-" Toby held his hand up to make him stop. "Don't", he said assertively. Masky stayed silent. Guess he'd just find out for himself then. He wasn't go to listen, and Masky was tired of their stubbornness clashing.
After what seemed like forever, the bus finally came to their city. Masky got out quickly, feeling the heavy tension between the two uncomfortable. Toby gladly shoved passed him, rushing out of the bus. Quickly he speed walked towards his destination, not considering if Masky was keeping pace with him. He was so close to his goal... No one was going to stop him!
Masky kept a light jogging pace to keep up with Toby. He was wanting to get this over with too quick. Maybe his mind would change when he realized it. His mind had to change right? He couldn't just stay like this forever. As he continued to follow Toby, they finally reached it. St.Benard Hospital.
Toby reached the front door, ignoring the receptionist's greeting. He parted left, walking past the desk and into the building. He could hear the lady yelling at him, but he didn't care. "Call security", he taunted. She probably couldn't hear him though. Masky followed behind him, glancing back to see a commotion of people considering what to do about the situation.
"Toby?" No answer. The door behind them opened, people running towards the two. Toby payed no mind, making his way upstairs. "Stop", the male voice yelled as him and Masky ascended. "We will shoot!" Toby looked back, smiling devilishly at them. He stood his ground and turned to face them. "Really", he mocked.
The police stood in front of him. Two male and one female. Each held a gun towards the two. Masky stood ground next to Toby, reluctantly ready to fight with him. Toby swiveled his axe from behind him out towards the front, the dull metal failing to reflect in the light. The police looked confused at his weapon, but held their ground nonetheless. "Not gonna shoot?" Toby shrugged, turning on his heel and resting the axe on his shoulder. He continued to ascend, Masky walking backwards behind him. They reached the platform, the police following.
"West wing yes", Toby questioned. "Mhm." The police followed them to the hall, shouting at them. Finally a gun fired, Toby barely moving out of its way. "So now you want to fight?!" Their teasing annoyed him. He faced them again, his axe pointed at them. Another shot and Toby deflected. His axe had a small dent to it now, but nothing significant.
He laughed at their pathetic attempt. "You can die now!" He rushed forward, sending the police into a panic. He was able to splice ones dominant arm before they could react. Toby was shoved harshly to the floor by one of them. "Stupid." Even with pinned arms, he still had the ability to bend his elbow. They didn't even bother ridding him of his weapon. He swung up with immense force, slicing into a different cops arm. The cop screamed an obscenity before standing up. He pointed the gun at Toby's head. "You're dead." Boom! Masky finally jumped in shoving the cop aside. Taking his chance, Toby went to chop off the guys head. He missed, but stick a blow to his face.
"One down", he said triumphantly. The other cop was still dealing with their bleeding out arm. Masky seemed to have the other in control. Snap! Yep, definitely did. Masky had snapped that ones neck. Taking advantage of the stairs, Toby pushed the remaining cop down them. "That should rid of them then." Toby dusted his hands continuing to his destination. The fools hadn't bothered to call any type of back-up.
Toby continued down a hall, reaching the door written with 237. "Here's my redemption", he whispered to himself. Masky stood at the door, fearing what would happen. He knew who was behind it. He knew this would end badly.
Toby opened the door, a woman peacefully sleeping in her bed. She was hooked up to many machines and ivs. It was almost like he was doing this wretched woman a favor. He walked over to her, raising his axe above his head, ready to end this madness in a heartbeat. Suddenly the woman's eyes opened. She looked at him terrified.
Why hadn't he swung yet? What was stopping him? "Toby", the woman asked terrified. He rested his axe, confused as how this woman knew him. Relief filled her eyes as he lowered his weapon. "Toby", she said a bit more heart felt. "Who the hell are you", he shouted angrily.
Masky stood behind the door, listening into what was happening. Never had he felt so guilty for killing a person. Never had he had this much trouble experiencing ones death. So badly he wished for this to end. So badly he wished for Toby to recognize his own mother.
The woman looked startled by the sudden outburst. Tears began to well in her eyes. Why was she crying? He raised his axe, becoming impatient with this woman. "Toby", she said again. "Toby please! Do you remember me?" Remember her? How was he suppose to remember someone he never met. "Enough of this", he shouted. "Toby", she screamed. It caught his attention. "I'm your mother", she said desperately.
Slowly his face paled. Mother? No... This couldn't be true. He couldn't have been sent to kill her. How would The Operator bring her back. "You liar", he shouted. The woman held her hands as if to brace for an oncoming strike. Hurriedly she spoke, "No! No I'm not!"
Toby groaned, knowing that this truly couldn't be his mother. He lowered his axe near her hands, steadying it to slice through her. He raised it back, rearing up to bring it down full force. "Waffles", she shouted. "Toby do you remember?" He looked at her confused, axe still raised in the air. What was she going on about? "Remember? You and Lira use to sing little chants to encourage me to make them?"
The woman's face had a smile as she spoke, like speaking from her heart. Waffles.... Lira... Mom... He could feel himself wanting to cry. "M-mom", he spoke like a child. Was this truly her? "Toby", she said glad to hear he had calmed down. He dropped his axe to the floor, hugging her. "Mom", he shouted joyously.
No Toby. That isn't your mom. She's lying. She just wants you to spare her life. Don't listen to her Toby.
Toby released her from the hug, a smile still on her face. It quickly faded as she saw that he was no longer smiling. His face grew angry, bringing fear back to her. "Toby dear? Are you alright?" He looked at her, rage written in his face. "You liar", he shouted. Quickly he picked up his axe, not hesitating to brace for killing her.
"Toby", she stuttered. He held the axe high above him. Something thick and slimy wrapped around his hands. NO MORE HESITATING TOBY! KILL YOUR MOTHER.
With the guide of the invisible entity, he swung, a piercing scream quickly reaching its silence. Toby heard the voice speak to him. Who was it again? His face paled and he fell to his knees. It had said mother. That wasn't his mother was it? No it couldn't be! He didn't kill his mother! That's who he was trying to save.
Toby shoved off of his knees, swinging the axe to the entity behind him. That damn Operator did this! He made him to do this. But there was no one standing there. There was no one but him in the room. He dropped his axe, rubbing tears from his eyes. He had done it hadn't he? Killed his mother. He laughed at his patheticness. Laughed at his weakness. God he had killed his mother, yet he was laughing, crying. Oh how did he feel? How was he supposed to feel?
Toby felt something burning on his leg. It didn't stop his insane laughing fit. "You planned this all along", he shouted into the empty air. "This was meant to happen the whole time wasn't it!" He rolled up his pant leg, the familiar circled x having scarred his skin. It was a crimson red indent. He looked up, seeing a white face stretched open in what was meant to be a smile.
Before Toby could do anything it disappeared. Now he had killed his mother. Now he was apart of a mess larger than he cared to be in. This wasn't truly wanted. All he wanted was his mom. Guess that's the price you pay for being a proxy.

A/n: so how is that for an ending?! Gosh, you have no idea how long I've waited to write this ending. I'm curious, did anyone get emotional? I didn't, but I don't normally. Hence my reason of asking! Anyways, hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and are having a great day! Thank you for taking the time to read this book! I will now be working on "The Language of Hands" Ereri fic! Comment or message me what you want in the next creepypasta fic! Characters? Plot? Au? I'm up for any ideas! Again, thank you and have a wonderful day! ^_^

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