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     Another day had gone by, and here they were on the couch again. Toby sighed at his boredom. He couldn't fathom how content these people seemed with their lives. Didn't they want any excitement. Though, guess you couldn't really live on edge if you were trying to keep under a radar.
     A knock sounded at the door startling Toby. "Wonder who that is? We never have guest", Hoody said with a hint of excitement. Masky stood up and walked over to the door. He opened it a smudge and peeked outside. "Yes", he inquired. They spoke in hushed whispers after that. To Toby, they were inaudible. Judging by the way Hoody was looking at him though, he knew that he could hear.
    "W-what are t-they s-saying" Toby whispered to Hoody. "I think you're in some deep shit man." Toby glanced back nervously at the door, now opened wider. He could see a man in a black hoodie with brown hair. His eyes were weird though. They were... Oozing. But not with blood. It was some type of black goop.
    Masky had finally let in the man, and the man peered around searching for something. His eyes stopped on Toby. You've done messed up Toby. Bet he's a gang member. Toby gulped, his hands starting to twitch. "Ah, hello", the man said to Toby. "H-hello", he stuttered nervously. "Do you remember me?" Toby shook his head. "Oh of course you do! You delivered me those kidneys." Toby looked wide eye at him. So they actually were kidneys. He started to feel sick to his stomach.
     "So you do remember", he said seeing his reaction. "I'm Jack, or the infamous cannibal, Eyeless Jack." That would explain his eyes. "See, I'm here to ask for a favor." His head lowered, not wanting to look this man directly in the... Well could you really call them eyes. "Remember where you met that man?" Toby nodded keeping his gaze off of him. "Well just a block away is an organ transplant unit. They have organs constantly being transplanted and tested. Do you see what I'm getting at?"
     This guy wanted him to steal for him? He couldn't understand why. He was a murderer wasn't he? He could handle himself. "W-why are y-you a-asking this o-of me?" A devious smile took hold of his face. "Well you see, I'm quite the wanted man. I need someone like you who.... Well isn't well known. I need you to get some more kidneys." Then he mumbled under his breath, "They didn't even bring a proper amount last time." He sighed, "but anyways. I hope to see that done, understood?"
     So he wasn't getting a choice? Probably wasn't wise to cross a cannibal. Especially when your death would go unnoticed. "U-understood." Jack clapped his hands together, "Perfect perfect. I thank you for the time." Masky and him returned to the door. They exchanged a few words and then he left.
      Masky turned towards Toby, "So you're working for him?" Toby nodded, "Y-you know h-him?" Masky laughed, "Know him? He's a proxy. Quite a popular one too." Toby's eyes widened. He was doing work for another proxy?! Great, that's another excuse to do this job. Toby sighed shoving his hands into his pockets. "I'm g-gonna g-go rest." Toby went to his bedroom and laid on his bed.
     How many were there? Was that guy Kyle one? No, he seemed to jittery for this line of work. Then again, Toby was like that too. Though, he was starting to get used to it. At least he wasn't killing people... Not directly anyways. Toby tried to clear his thoughts and get some rest.
     Toby awoke to the touch of someone tapping his shoulder. He started to stretch in his bed and sit up. He rubbed his eyes and let them adjust. He couldn't see anyone. "Weird", he mumbled. He got up anyways without giving it a second thought. Another day another task. He changed into another pair of clothes and put on his face gear. He didn't bother to look in the mirror.
     Toby was not too far from the building where he met Kyle. Just beyond that should be the transplant unit. That's what Jack had said anyways. As he walked down the street, he realized he had never developed a plan. Did he do that last time? No, you're too stupid to think ahead like that. He frowned at himself. Guess he'd  just have to wing it.
     He arrived at a building that he assumed to be the place. The giant letters reading: Felder City Transplant Unit, made that obvious. He peered into the dimmed glass only to see no one there. The lights were off inside. They had to have people here wouldn't they? Someone to check up on patients in there. Maybe it was just nurses though.
     He pulled on the door handle, and the door didn't budge. He was too hoping that something so simple would work. After reading the faded print on the door, he realized it was closed after eight pm. He kicked the door feeling aggravated. Luckily no one was around to see. Did they have an alarm system? The building was pretty old, but did he really want to risk getting caught?
     Toby decided to look around the building to see if there was any other entrance way. Between this building and another, an alleyway was formed. In this alleyway was a door. Maybe that would work. He went to the rusted door and pulled on the handle. As he did so it swing open, but not on his account. A man in blue scrubs had opened it. He walked to the dumpster, and as he did so Toby slipped in the door. It closed behind him before the guy had a chance to get in. Toby sighed and looked down hallways that split from the one he was in. Behind him he heard the door swung back open.
     "S-shit." Hesitantly he turned around. "You're not suppose to be here", the man said lowly but panicky. Toby cursed himself. He didn't want to do this but...
     Toby rushed over to the man wrapping his hands tightly around his neck. He pushed down with his thumbs and moved the man against the door. He wasn't really sure how to kill someone with his weapon, but he knew that breathing was necessary to live. Between Toby's hands and the door, the man's neck was being squished. He gasped for breath and tried to claw a Toby. Toby's position didn't give him much moving space though.
     Toby hoped that know no one else would stumble across his wrong doing. He didn't want to have to do this again. Finally the man collapsed. He wasn't sure if he just passed out or was faking it. For safe measures, he kneed him in the face a few times causing him to bleed. Looking at him, Toby got an idea.
     Toby removed the scrubs from the man and adorned himself with them. They weren't quite his sized, but they would do. He shoved his face gear into his pockets and left his clothes piled on the floor. With a twisted expression, he grabbed the mask the man wore. He really didn't want to wear it, but he needed something to help cover the burn on his face. He shuddered as the rims touched his skin.
     He walked down the hallway not sure where to go. Above the hallways were labels, but not ones an outsider would understand. Down the hallway came a woman who seemingly walked towards him. He felt his heart beat quicken, frightened that she would find out. "Dr. Hauffman?" Trying to make his voice sound deep he spoke, "Yes?" The woman gave him an odd look but didn't say anything. "Aren't you suppose to be in the labs?" As she said this she pointed down the opposite hallway. "Oh, u-uh yes. Just h-had to t-throw stuff o-out." The woman nodded and didn't further question.
     Toby let out a sigh of relief. Luckily his speech impediment didn't give him away. He walked down the hall in which she had pointed. He glanced back and forth at the doors, looking at the labels. One of them that he found read Dr.Hauffman. He turned the handle but the door didn't open. "Great..." Next to it was some sort of card reader.
     He dug around his pockets and found a card. On it was the man's face. He held the card up to the device and a click noise was made. He turned the handle and sure enough the door opened. Inside were a dozen testing tubes, mysterious liquids, computers, and a large metal door. He went to the metal door, expecting it to be the ice box.
     He reached for the card again and scanned it. Another click and turn of the handle and he was in. Inside were dozens of bags which contained organs. "J-jackpot!" He scanned the bags, each labeled with what they contained. Finally he came across a bag labeled kidneys. Hastily he grabbed it and exited the room. He looked around the room one last time, hoping to find something to carry the organs in besides the transparent bag they were already in. Nothing.
     Hesitantly he crept out the door, making sure no one was coming his way. Down the hallway he quickly walked, constantly checking any hallways he passed by. After what seemed forever, he reached the original door. The body was still propped up against it. He set the bag on top of his clothes and dragged the body out of the way.
     Behind him was a gasp. He turned to see the same woman who he'd talked to earlier. "Oh my gosh", she said out of breath. "D-don't!" The woman ran off. Quickly he took the pile of clothes and the bag of kidneys and left. The building soon became a huge alarm. Quickly he ran the back alleys, not sure of where he was going. He just went the direction he knew Jack's house was in.
     He could hear cop cars now. His heart raced and his feet carried him swiftly. He came out to an opening where the alley he had taken ended. Just ahead was the apartment complex. He checked before leaving the shadows and ran. He ran as fast as he could. He ran the stairs to the third floor, careful not to trip. In the street he could see cop cars driving around. He rushed over to Jack's door and knocked on it loudly.
     "J-jack  it's T-toby, p-please o-open up!" The door swung open and Toby stumbled in. "You idiot", Jack yelled. Toby dropped his clothes and shoved the bag of kidneys into his hand. "Oh", he said a bit calmer. "T-that stupid -lady", he mumbled finally ridding of the mask he borrowed.
     "I swear if the cops check here I'm blaming you!" Toby just rolled his eyes. It was your fault. "I-it was h-her f-fault", he yelled at the voices. He heard them snicker in his head. "Who are you talking about?" Toby began to change out of the scrubs into his original clothes. "Just get rid of these", he said giving him the scrubs. He set his mask on his chest and his goggles on his head.
     Jack sighed and left, placing the clothes out of sight. Toby peered from the entry way finding  the living room. It was much nicer then his. He took a seat on the couch. "You didn't even bother to ask", Jack said coming in with his arms crossed. Toby scoffed. "Y-you're kidding me. I-I j-just stole k-kidneys f-for you a-and the c-cops are o-on me! I-I'm s-staying here f-for t-tonight."
     Jack groaned, "Fine whatever. Here's your money." He handed Toby five hundred this time. "Just cause you went through extra trouble. You better be gone by morning, or I'll be taking your kidneys too." Before Toby could protest Jack left. He laid on his back staring up at the ceiling.
     What if the police caught him? No one would cover for him. This was just like those drug dealers, but with organs. He thought back to a seminar that had taken place in school. They expressed greatly how you shouldn't get involved in the underworld. It wasn't like he was dealing with black market stuff though. Just stole a few kidneys.... Who was he kidding. He couldn't do this anymore. Ah, but the money was so good... And he'd be kept under the radar since Jack was a proxy/murderer too. Not to mention the possibility of Jack stabbing him in the back. As long as he didn't get caught himself.
     All these thoughts were making his head hurt. Trying to forget about it, he fell asleep.

A/n: okay that was a long ass chapter to write. But either way, I hope you enjoyed it. I should be back on regular schedule by next week (Monday) so expect to have four to five chapters a week. Have a fantabulous day! ^_^

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now