Mission One: The Death of The Innocent

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Toby crept along the side of a wall, following Hoody and Masky. On his back was an axe which he had been given as a weapon.
"Is a-an axe r-really suitable?" Hoody nodded, proud of the choice he made. "If you plan on swinging blindly it's good. It's not too heavy is it?" Toby shook his head. That wasn't the point. They gave you it cause you'll probably hurt yourself with it. How could he mess up using an axe? You're stupid enough to do it. Toby sighed accepting the weapon. It was better than none, no matter how obvious it was.
"She's in there", Masky whispered. "W-why are w-we killing her a-again", Toby questioned. "Because the Operator finds her a nuisance and it'd be good practice for you." What made him decide that? They never really have him a reason why she was a nuisance, it just was. When he questioned them, they just went on about how the Operator is not someone to cross. One life was worth his mom living though, right?
"Why don't we let the newby open the door", Hoody suggested. Toby looked at them worried, like he would mess it up. "That sounds like a good idea", Masky answered. Toby sighed carefully walking in front of them. He placed his hand on the knob slowly. "We got your back", Hoody said giving him a thumbs up. Another deep breath, and Toby opened the door.
Hesitantly he peered in. A sleeping woman lay in her bed. She seemed so peaceful. Murder her Toby. Do it. He inched forward towards her not wanting the floor to creek. Right as he towered over her slumbering being, her eyes jolted awake. Before she had a chance to scream, Toby placed a gloved hand over her mouth. He placed a finger to his lip telling her to shush. She attempted to scream louder, but it only came out muffled.
Could he really just kill her without reason? He could if it meant getting his mom back. Toby~ the axe. Grab the axe! Toby reached behind him grabbing the handle of the axe. He held it high above his head, trying to steady his hand. Swing Toby. SWING! He removed his hand and quickly brought down the axe, decapitating her.
     The sudden silence stung his ears. What had he done? You've killed an innocent. You're a murderer. It's okay right? He smiled at himself unsure. This was for his mother. A door opened in the room, and in came a man. Toby had been pulled out of the room before the man had a chance to notice him. They stuck to the shadows, keeping from the mans view. Not that he could see in the dark.
     Masky made a motion with his fingers signaling them to move. Hoody followed pulling Toby along. Now the husband will be in agony. What if they had kids? Toby never thought of that. He knew what it was like to have people you love leave your life. Guilt was quickly filling him. The only excuse he had was, it was for his mom.
     The three made it out of the house and far enough from it. "That was close", Hoody said exhilarated. "Too close", Masky commented. "He never mentioned a man being there. Then again that wouldn't be the first time he failed to mention something." Toby was totally oblivious to the on going conversation. His voices were gnawing at his conscience. Toby you killed someone. They had someone who loved them too. What will become of him? Look what you've done. He couldn't stop it though.
     The three of them sat on the couch going over what had happened. "I told you you would be good with an axe!" Toby didn't say anything. "The Operator has even spared your life another day. You shouldn't seem so glum. Normally newbies die quickly."
He didn't want to here of it. "And did you see the way you cut off her head! Clean cut. Off with her head", Hoody exclaimed. He laughed at his own enthusiasm. That was enough.
     "STOP IT", Toby shouted. Hoody suddenly stopped and Masky was taken aback. The little outburst had flushed away the anger. "S-sorry." To further avoid conversation he ran off to his room. He yanked off the goggles and face mask along with the heavy jacket only to be left in a tank top. He stared at his reflection, disgust written over his face. I'm not sure which is worse, cover or no cover. He punched the mirror becoming very annoyed with these pessimistic voices.
     He slid down dramatically, dragging his arms along the dresser until his whole body reaches the floor. He lay flat on his back sighing. This was going to be a very difficult life from now on.

A/n: hoped you enjoyed this chapter of The Crime of Three. I enjoy writing it very much. Turns out I might be able to update more than predicted so yeah! Anyways, have a fantabulous day. ^_^

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now