Mission Three: Case Closed

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Toby awoke, at first confused by his surroundings. He soon remembered that there was a new proxy. Natalie.... He looked over to the bed across the room, Natalie still fast asleep. He couldn't tell what time it was. Walking up to the single window, he pulled back the makeshift curtains. The sun was barely peeking above the horizon. He wasn't sure if anyone would be awake yet.
Knowing he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, he decided to head to the living room and watch some re-runs. Sitting on the couch, he noticed the box tv no longer there. Instead it was a small flat screen. It was almost as big as the box tv, just not as bulky. He smiled at the thought of them upgrading the house. It made it feel more like his home.
"Good morning Toby." Toby dramatically inhaled, clutching at his chest. "G-geez. Don't s-scare m-me like t-that." He looked over to see Masky, his mask held at the side of his head. It was still weird to see him without it. He was sitting at the table, switching between a cigarette and sipping coffee. It reminded Toby of those cool but quiet guys in the movies.
"Sorry", he said dully. Toby got up moving to the table, no longer interested in the television. "So y-you've u-upgraded a b-bit?" Masky nodded, "Yeah. With money lying around here and what you made we were able to get some stuff." He didn't seem enthused about it. Though, he probably lived here long enough not to care.
     Toby dug around in his jacket pockets finding the five, one hundred dollar bills. He handed them over to Masky. "G-guess we g-got a-a new t-table t-then?" The one they sat at now was worn, small, and had no matching chairs. A small smile formed on Masky's lips. "Suppose we do." He shoved the money into his pants pocket for later use. He pulled his mask over his face awaiting for the rest of the group.
     As time passed, Natalie and Hoody finally awoke. "About time", Masky commented. "Excuse us for not waking up at the crack of dawn", Natalie retorted. Toby felt an odd sensation. Something he couldn't describe. That girl talked as if she had known them for awhile. Like they were all best buds who bickered and laughed. It was just one phrase, but the way she said it...
     His overthinking and paranoia was interrupted by Natalie giving him a slap on the back. "You look half dead", she joked. He just shrugged, still dazed by his thoughts. That was just her personality. That's just how she acted. Then again, how long had she been here? Toby had been away for awhile. For all he knew, she arrived the day he left. That's time enough to forge a relation. He shook his head then placed it in his hands.
     "Alright, now that everyone's here, it's time to discuss the mission." Everyone looked at him, Toby intently, the other two half-hearted. "The police are investigating the case of Dr.Haufmann." Toby's face turned red at the name. This was his fault wasn't it? He avoided making any eye contact. "The lawyer, Mr. Parkerson needs to be killed. Same goes for the nurse, Valencia. They already know too much. They're catching on and we can't have that. Mr.Parkerson is located at Hewert Law Firm. After his death, more will be murdered if necessary. Also remember to destroy any files or evidence found."
     He paused staring at Toby, "Don't draw too much attention." Masky focused his attention back on the entire group. "This mission will be carried out by Toby and Natalie. We will assist by killing Valencia." Hoody groaned, "Cant I just sleep instead?!" No one said anything to Hoody.
     "Alright Tobes, let's head out." Natalie grabbed at his hood and starred dragging him to the door. "W-wait! My f-face g-gear!" She grudgingly let go of him. "Hurry up." Toby ran off grabbing his things, then proceeded to put them on as he rushed back. "Ready", she asked. Toby nodded and they headed out the door.
Down the street they walked, keeping a small distance between them. Toby strayed behind, still contemplating how he felt about her. Should he really care at all though. Whatever happened happened, for better or for worse. This wasn't a time to even be bothered anyways. Right now he needed to focus on his mission.
Toby bumped into to Natalie, stumbling back after impact. "Ow.." She paid no mind to him. "We're here." Before them stood a plain, brown-brick building. A worn, faded banner faltered in the wind. In blocky writing it read Hewert Law Firm. Beneath was tiny numbers which seemed to be a contact number. Natalie strolled up to the door casually, only to be stopped by Toby.
"What is it now", she groaned, turning on her heel. "W-we can't j-just w-walk in!" She placed her hands on her hips, "Why not?" Toby didn't really have an answer. He just felt that it wasn't a good idea. Seeing his failure to answer, she turned back facing the door. "Toby", she said looking back at him. "Y-yeah?" "Take the face fear off. It causes suspicion." Toby sighed, tugging his mask down and shoving his goggles into his hoody pocket.
Natalie continued just as before, casually strolling into the building. Toby followed, feeling panicked of what would happen. The woman at the desk greeted them, not seeming to notice Natalie's clock eye. Toby assumed it was covered by her hair. "What can I do for you?" Natalie rested her arm on the half wall that separated them. "I'm here to file a report on the Haufmann case. I may have some useful information."
The woman stared at Natalie for a bit, Toby becoming worried that the plan had already failed. "And him", she asked directing her pen towards Toby. "He's the one with the information. He can't speak." She looked back at Toby and pointed at the scar. "He was in an accident and his vocals are messed up. I'm his translator." The woman looked between them, not sure whether to believe them.
"Well sir", she said looking at Toby. "Why don't you tell me what you know, and I'll report it to Mr.Parkerson." Natalie looked at Toby and signed something to him. Toby couldn't make any sense of it, but neither did the woman. Following her lead, Toby did the same. Natalie turned back to the receptionist. "He doesn't feel comfortable speaking about it here. He'd prefer to see Mr.Parkerson since he seems to be the head."
The woman had a scowl on her face, but proceeded to call in Mr.Parkerson anyways. "You can take a seat over there", she said gesturing to the seats. Her voice had no hint of warmth to it anymore. Natalie took hold of Toby's hoody sleeve and dragged him to the seats. They both stayed quiet until called upon.
After ten minutes of waiting, a man appeared from behind the reception desk. He exchanged a few words with the receptionist and she pointed their direction. The man disappeared momentarily before appearing behind an opened door. "Excuse me", he called out grabbing Toby's and Natalie's attention. They looked his way and he beckoned them to come forth.
     The two of them stood up, a huge lump in Toby's throat. Why was he so nervous? Maybe cause he felt like he'd screw up again. He needed to prove himself. He needed to last if he wanted his mother back. Toby was mindlessly lead to an office as his thoughts played.
     The space was very small, but very neat. There were two leather chairs in front of the desk, bookshelves lined one side of the wall, and on the other were certificates. "Take a seat", the man said gesturing to the chairs. They both plopped down, Natalie seeming more comfortable than Toby.
     The man took a seat adjacent to them and readjusted some papers in the desk. "So what is it you'd like to inform me about?" Natalie leaned forward into the desk and beckoned him to come closer. He leaned in, Toby feeling so out of place. "It's said you know much of the case yes", Natalie whispered. Mr.Parkerson nodded his head. "Tell us where your at, and we'll go from there." He leaned away from Natalie, a frustrated look on his face. "Look, I'm not her to play games..."
    Natalie leaned back, slinging her legs over the arm of the chair. "I happen to know the killer..." Suddenly the man seemed no longer frustrated, but expectant. "Well spit it out", he said hurriedly. Natalie smiled smugly, "He happens to be in this very room." Toby snapped his attention to Natalie, giving her a look of bizarrity.
     The man focused his attention on Toby. Slowly he drew his finger, the tip lingering towards Toby. "You?" His voice was smaller now. Toby gave an awkward smile and laughed nervously. Mr.Parkerson sat a few moments longer before shooing out of his chair. Toby jumped out in front, barely holding his weight. Natalie stood on the chair behind him, her hand gripping the base of his neck.
"Looks like we got a new victim, huh Toby." Her voice sounded of mockery towards the poor soul. Toby had said nothing in reply. Slowly, Natalie's nails dug into his skin, threatening to break the surface. The weight Toby had been holding back suddenly fell. Mr.Parkerson was now in a state of paralyzation. "Hmm, should I choke you... Or rip your throat out!"
Her smile grew more malicious as blood began to poor from tiny nail slits. "Or maybe I could attempt both..." Her hands gripped tighter, compressing his neck to an impossible measure. The man had no tendency of crying out. Just a faint choking sound. From Toby's view it looked as if he were in a state of shock.
The sound of her fingers sinking into flesh grabbed Toby's attention. The man's face looked so tormented, it almost pained him too. He glanced around the room, searching for something heavy. On his desk was a glass trophy being used as a paperweight. Picking it up, he swung towards the man's face. Toby felt it wasn't enough and he swung it down again.
He must have hit his temple, because the man had now gone limp. He slumped down, sliding off of Natalie's blood covered hands. "Thanks for taking the fun", she said sarcastically. "B-but he l-looked s-so tortured..." Natalie looked at him pathetically. "Look Tobes", she said jumping onto the desk. "You can't feel bad for these people. One way another they probably deserved it. Think of it as doing justice."
The calmness in her voice made him feel so confused. He had stopped the man from feeling pain by knocking him out. But was doing that really justice. He wasn't even dead yet... They had to kill him. How did he deserve it? Did it matter? Toby was only protecting himself. Himself... How selfish... A small grin tugged his face. He needed to be ruthless. Screw Jack! Natalie's way would work way better! Right?..
Trophy still in his hands, he smashed it down several more times into Mr.Parkersons head. The repeated applicant of pressure was starting to form a mushy indentation on his head. With one final blow the glass shattered. Toby took a sharp edge and stabbed it into his head, Making sure his victim was dead. He realized how hard he was breathing when he finally stopped. He looked up at Natalie, and approving smile on her face. A tinge of guilt nagged at his brain, but he ignored it.
"Now let's look for some files." Natalie hopped off the desk and began searching the drawers. Toby stepped over the body and towards the filing cabinets. He tugged on it, the drawer being locked. "Here", Natalie said tapping his shoulder. He turned around and she placed a set of keys in his hands. He went back to opening the cabinets and began searching the files.
After moments of browsing, he heard something crack, followed by a thud. He turned to see what it was. Natalie had just snapped the neck of the receptionist. Poor lady had walked in at the wrong time... She would of have to had died anyway. The voices made a valid point. Better to put her out of her misery now. He turned back to his work as if nothing had happened.
"F-found something", Toby said pulling out a manilla folder. On the tab was the name Dr.Hauffmen. Natalie snatched it out of his hands and read through the papers. Using her free hand she pulled out the keys and opened the bottom drawer. Inside were bags filled with items. She looked through the folder again and pulled out some bags.
"H-how do y-you k-know which o-ones you need?" She held out the manilla folder and he accepted it. Browsing through the pages he realized that evidences cards with photos of the evidence were there. "Okay that's it", she said picking up the bags. She began walking out the door, Toby following in pursuit. "W-what about c-cameras?" Natalie paused, taking a moment to look around. "This shit hole doesn't have any."
Toby took a second look around, not seeing anything himself. Though, it didn't really matter. They could handle themselves. He could handle himself. No remorse, no regret.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It sure was longer then the others, and it took me awhile to publish it, but it's finally here. I will only be posting once a week due to other books I'm working on. Sorry for the inconvenience. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed reading and have a fantabulous day! ^_^

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now