Meeting The Allies

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     Toby awoke in a plush bed which resided to the left of the room. What room he was in, he had no idea. Toby you fool. You can't bring her back. Why couldn't they leave him alone? She's as good as dead. What could this unknown being do.
     The voices did have a point, but he already agreed. You're stupid. Might as well be a deal with the devil. Who's to say it wasn't the devil. He couldn't see it, or anything at all really. It's voice was retched too. Toby sighed placing a hand on his forehead. "Great..."
     After moments of wallowing in his idiocity he finally sat up. He stretched and rubbed his eyes, then got a better look of where he was at. A simple room with brown walls, white trims, and a grayish-white carpet. The only furniture in the room was the bed which he sat upon and a dresser with a mirror.
      Looking in the mirror he caught the reflection of a pale boy with brown, tousled hair. On the side of his face was a burn from the corner of his mouth almost to the bottom of his ear. He'd forgotten about that. Look, you even appear stupid. Toby groaned, though he had to agree. He didn't like the look of the burn mark.
     Toby walked closer to the mirror to get a closer inspection of himself. Under his eyes were bags that made him looked like he hadn't slept in ages, when in fact he just woke up. Who knows how long he had actually slept. Can over sleeping cause eye bags? He shrugged to his own question.
     As he continuously looked into the mirror, he realized something reflected on top of the dresser. He looked down to see a set of clothes along with goggles and a mouth mask. He picked some of the items up and examined them, causing a note to flutter from one of them. He set back down the items messily and reached for the note on the floor.
      He flipped it over revealing neat writing on it. It read: Please change into this. Mustn't show your face in public now. He freed the note letting it float to the ground. See, they think your face is hideous... Though they aren't wrong. "J-just s-shut up", he shouted at himself. He didn't mine the face coverage. He himself didn't want to see it, and these dingy clothes weren't nice either.
     When he went to the cliff, he decided to just wear old clothing. Why waste something someone else could have? He'd be too dead to even care. At least someone else would be happy.
      He stripped down and put on the new clothes, mask, and goggles. He looked in the mirror, seeing how everything looked. It looks stupid. He grimaced at the voice and rolled his eyes.
     While checking himself out, the door in his room opened. "Well well, who do we have here?" Toby immediately turned his attention away from the mirror. Embarrassingly he turned to look at the figure in the door way. It was a guy in a hood, and that hood seemed to cover his features. Cover wasn't the right word though. It was more like blacked out. The only thing visible was glowing red eyes, and a glowing red mouth which seemed to be smiling at him.
      "D-do I know y-you?" The figure laughed at him. "Do you know me? Well I hope so! I saved you from your death." Toby searched through his brain trying to remember him. When he did remember, he felt something was missing from the picture. "W-wasn't there a-another one? I t-think he had a-a mask o-on or s-something."
"Oh you must be talking about Masky!" Masky was his name? That's and odd name. And Toby isn't? "W-what about y-you? What's y-your n-name?" He pointed a thumb at himself proudly, "My name is Hoody!" Hoody? Those surely couldn't be there real names. "W-what's your r-real name?" He had a brief moment of confusion which quickly turned serious. "Don't ever ask for our real names. Those are to be disclosed." His scary demeanor then turned cheery again. "Anyways, let's go see Masky! We got some news."
"O-okay", Toby said somewhat scared of him. He seemed unstable.
     Hoody had led Toby to an area which could pass for a living area. It had and old couch and the same brown walls as his room. In the center was a coffee table stacked with papers, magazines, and cash. On the couch was a familiar face. "Hello Toby", he said soothingly. Masky had such a quiet and calming voice. Toby waved awkwardly at the masked boy. Hoody jumped onto the couch next to Masky. "Have a seat", he said gesturing to an empty spot. Toby nodded and sat next to Hoody.
     "So you've met the Operator yes?" Toby gave him a confused look. "T-the O-operator?" Masky nodded. "He's a tall slim man in a suit." Toby shook his head not recalling someone like that. "How about a guy with a head splitting voice?" Now that rung a bell. Toby nodded to show that he knew then. "Okay, well he has told us that you will be joining us on the first mission." Joining them? Toobby~ They're going to kill you. Toby gulped, but not loud enough for them to hear. It's not like his thoughts knew their actions. They weren't right this time. "A-alright. When d-do we s-start?"

A/n: yeah a longer chapter! More for you to read! Anyways hoped you enjoyed this chapter of The Crime of Three. More will come soon. I'm going to try to keep updates on this even with The Love of Two, so sorry if I'm not posting constantly. Anyways have a nice day! ^_^

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now