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Toby sat on the couch watching the box television. By now it had become quite boring. They didn't have any sort of cable, and the shows that aired were all re-runs of outdated seasons. Toby was starting to come to the conclusion that this life could become quite a drag. Aside from the killing anyways... Though it seemed killing was the best form of entertainment. Maybe that's what made it easy for them.
Masky sat down next to Toby and pulled out his box of cigarettes. They had just bought it two days ago and it was already almost empty. The house was beginning to smell of smoke too. Smoke and blood... Masky caught Toby staring at him and held out a cigarette for him. Toby took it not knowing what to expect. Was he even of age to smoke? That didn't really matter did it.
Toby was about to stick it in, but Masky grabbed it and turned it around. "You inhale from the yellow end. That helps to filter it's contents." Toby nodded and Masky lit it for him. Toby inhaled on it, coughing after a few short moments. Masky gave a small laugh at his inability. Toby glared at him and put out the cigarette in the cup Masky had been using. "That's disgusting", he mumbled as the taste lingered in his mouth. Masky just shrugged.
Hoody walked in and avoided Masky. He hated it when he smoked. At least that's what he said to Toby. He sat on one of the chairs in the 'kitchen' and watched the television from a distance.
"D-do you guys e-ever d-do anything besides s-sit here and w-wait for another m-mission?" Both of them looked at Toby with a blank expression. "No not really", Hoody commented. "Is there a possibility of doing something?" The two of them shrugged. They surely didn't just sit here all day. "If you're so bored you could always get a job", Masky suggested. "It could help out, maybe even get some new stuff." New things sounded nice. A job didn't seem so bad either. He planned on getting one when he turned sixteen but...
"W-well then I-I g-guess I'll d-do that." He stood up and headed for the door. "Oh and Toby." He turned around looking at Masky. "Keep a low profile okay. Check the newspaper at the rest stop to see if there are any odd ball jobs you can do." Toby nodded and walked out the door.
Toby returned to the rest stop that him and Masky went to a few days ago. The same farmer was outside tending to his stall. "Hello", he greeted as if Toby were and old friend. Adjacent to the stand were plastic containers holding newspapers. Luckily they were free of charge. He didn't have any cash on him.
Toby grabbed out a newspaper and leaned on the wall. He browsed the papers for any jobs that would be easy and didn't require any background. Let's see... There was lawn mowing, delivering papers, finding lost dogs...
The next one his eyes grazed was quite a mysterious one. On the paper was an address and time. The only available information was that the person needed something delivered. It didn't specify what though. He scoffed. Guess he wasn't the only person keeping on the down low. It seemed promising.
He replaced the newspaper, no longer needing it, and walked up to the farmer. "H-hello sir", he said trying to sound polite. "How are you lad?" Toby smiled, "Well. C-could you h-happen t-to tell m-me the t-time?" The farmer nodded pulling out an old flip phone. "4:32." "T-thank you. G-goodbye sir." He walked away, the farmer waving him off.
After asking a few people along with a bit of wandering, Toby ended up in front of a building that seemed to be a business place. Nothing fancy, but something sustainable. On the corner of the road was a pole clock. He couldn't read the roman numbers, but he new what it meant. It had taken him almost two hours to get there. Hopefully he could find his way back.
A slim man, with slicked back hair and glasses walked out of the building. He looked at Toby, and Toby stared right back. The man walked halfway towards him. "Did you happen to read the newspaper today?" Was he the job offer? Some of the most innocent looking people could be so deceivable. Toby nodded but didn't speak. "The job offers are pretty shabby wouldn't you say." The guy couldn't be anymore obvious. He must be new to that kind of work then. Not that Toby knew anything of it either. "A-actually... I'm h-here for t-that s-shabby offer."
The man gripped Toby's arm tightly and walked off with him. This dude would fail life being this obvious. Toby was taken to a small parking lot a little ways down the road. They walked up to an old, blue Chevy. "Stay there", the man said. He disappeared behind the car, then returned with a large cooler lunch bag, and a folded paper. He shoved them into Toby's arms. "Get rid of this please. I haven't been able to deliver it. The man will have your money when you give him this. Just show home this paper. The address is also written on there." Without another word the man got into his car. Toby stepped aside and he pulled out speeding off. Weird.
Toby slid the handle onto his forearm and opened the sloppily folded paper. Sure enough the address was inside along with two names. He presumed one of them to be the man he just met, and the other the receiver. Guess it was time to go off and find this place.
Instead of asking for people to tell him the location, he asked for a map. A person had pointed him out to a gas station which he found a map at. He scanned over it looking for the needed street along with the street he was currently on. He folded the map up and shoved it into his hoody pocket.
After another long walk Toby arrived at a apartment complex. The paper had read C423, so he assumed he needed to go to the third floor. He walked up ever so carefully, avoiding the spill of his items. He walked down the pavement, his footstep echoing in the hall. "21, 22, 23!"
Toby faced the door and took a deep breath. This better pay some good money. He stood there for awhile before knocking again. A few moments later the door finally creaked open. "Yees", the person behind the door drawled. "Y-yes hello", Toby said trying to get a better view of the man. "What do you need?" Toby tried to recall the names. "I-I'm here f-for a Jack o-or Kyle. N-not s-sure which."
The man stuck his hand through the small opening. "Give me the bag. Wait and I'll give you the money." Toby nodded and handed him the bag. The hand snatched and the door closed. While waiting, Toby could hear the unzipping of a bag. The door opened back up, "here's your money, now leave."
Before the door could close, Toby stuck his foot in it. "W-what's in t-the bag." The man behind the door laughed. "Kidneys." He continued to laugh. Toby awkwardly slid his foot out not sure if he was joking or not. He shrugged and walked away counting the money. There was $300. He smiled proud of himself.
Toby came back home and walked in the door proudly. "Hey Toby", Masky said. He was still in the couch, but this time joined by Hoody. Guess they really did do nothing. Toby tossed him a pack of cigarettes. Masky barely caught it. "Thanks", he muttered. "How much did you make", Hoody asked. Toby acted like he was thinking about. "Oh, a-a r-rough $300." His red, glowing eyes grew wide. "From one job!" Toby nodded and smiled. He threw the money on the table and plopped down on the couch. "N-now to b-be a lazy b-bum with you t-two." They all gave a small laugh and watched the box tv.
     Good thing they didn't ask what he did.

A/n: sorry that this took so long to get out. I'm not posting on the weekends so... But hey, you get like 5 chapters a week so ehem ^_^ anyways, hoped you enjoyed reading and have a fantabulous day! ^_^

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now