The Belgian Waffle

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Toby awoke to a knock on his door. Had he fallen asleep? He didn't recall doing so. He looked in the direction of which his clock would sit, but quickly remembered he wasn't home. Again, a knock sounded on the door, this time someone calling out to him. "Toby?" Who was that again? Masky maybe? The voice was soft, so it had to be Masky.
Toby didn't bother to lift himself from the ground. He didn't feel like doing anything. As he lay, the door opened and in came Masky. "Toby get off the ground." He didn't listen. "C-can I help y-you?" Masky sighed. Toby looked over at him, his face wearing that mask still. "D-do you e-ever take that o-off?" He shook his head then kneeled down next to Toby.
"Why are you lying on the ground?" Cause he's a mopey teen. He's stupid. The voices never rested did they? "I-I don't k-know... G-guilt..." That's how he felt truly. He felt guilty having murdered someone. But it was in the name of his mother, so it should be alright. "You know Toby, you're going to have to get over that. This isn't your one and only mission. There will be more until the Operator feels you filled your role."
Until he filled his role. What if he never did? He would've of been dead then. Or what if the Operator tricked him? See, you're stupid! Toby gave a long heavy sigh, almost like he was on the verge of crying... But he wasn't. "Look, we will be accompanying you, but you got to step it up. Don't feel guilty for anything. It all goes unnoticed anyways."
But what about the husband? He saw her dead. Maybe he wouldn't of felt so bad if he had never shown up. There wouldn't be this nagging guilt in the back of his conscience. He did murder someone though, there was bound to be guilt.
"C'mon", Masky said standing up. He held his hand out towards Toby, of which he accepted and pulled himself up. They both walked towards the door, but halted before they walked through. "Aren't you gonna put your stuff back on?" Toby looked back at the items strewn across the room. See, he thinks you're ugly. "W-why? Do I l-look too m-much of a f-freak", he said sarcastically not wanting to display his hurt. Masky looked backed at him confused. "No it's just..." Toby shook his head, "f-forget i-it sorry." He went back and grabbed the items, putting them back on as they walked to their destination.
"Toby", Hoody exclaimed. "I'm glad to see you've come around!" Masky waved his hand as dismissal for Hoody's cheery demeanor. His head lowered, but a smile remained on his face. "Hey uh, you hungry?" Toby hadn't thought about food. In fact, he couldn't recall the last time he ate. Not for a few days at least. "I-I could go f-for s-some food."
Masky and Toby sat down as Hoody began to concoct something in the kitchen. A sweet aroma filled the air as he did so. The smell made Toby impatient to eat. He peeked into the kitchen, but he couldn't tell what Hoody was making. It smelled familiar too, but he couldn't quite place his thumb on it.
     After minutes passed Hoody finally called out to them. "Foods done!" He set the plates in front of them as they sat at a wooden, two-person table. Hoody pulled a stool up to the mismatched chairs, Masky and Toby attempting to make room for his plate. "Dig in", he said eagerly eating away at his. Toby picked up the waffle gingerly with his fingers. He took a small bite, immediately engulfed by the overwhelming flavor.
     The waffle was buttery and sweet all together. It was also light and fluffy and cooked to a perfect golden color. "T-this is v-very good for a-a w-waffle." It filled his stomach up nicely too. Where had he tasted this though? Oh....
His face suddenly fell, but quickly he changed his demeanor after his friends concerned looks. "S-sorry bad t-thought."
     They tasted like the waffles his mother had made. When he was younger his mother didn't work and made breakfast for them everyday. She had always laughed at how Toby and Lira had always made little chants when they pleaded for her to make them. Though when they got older, she got a job. She felt they'd be fine at their age. He missed this taste... His missed his mom. He'd see her soon though. Soon soon.

A/n: haha another chapter. I'd have to say this was inspired by a picture... In fact it was the one I used haha. Sorry if this one feels a bit lame, but I just don't want them to constantly be murdering. There needs to be bits of development you know... Anyways, I've already decided how I'm going to end it, just need to reach that point. And no I'm not ending it so soon, I just thought of a brilliant ending.... Well to me it seems brilliant... Anyways, that's enough of my rambling. Hoped you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading! ^_^

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now