Time With Jack

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     Toby awoke to the feeling of a cold pressure on his stomach. Toby was about to sit up, but was interrupted. "Don't move so much." It was Jack. Toby propped himself on his elbows, "W-what are y-you d-doing?!" Jack held up a knife with little beads of blood on it. "About to take your kidneys." Now that Jack had removed the knife, Toby quickly backed away from him.
     "W-what the h-hell m-man!" He touched his stomach with his fingertips, hoping that his guts weren't spilling. "Oh don't be such a baby. It was only on the first incision. It's technically a scratch." Toby looked down to see his blood smeared hand and stomach. It seemed to be as he said. It was a clean and a precise cut, not deep enough to need stitches. "C-could you j-just not e-eat m-my organs. I-I brought you k-kidneys y-yesterday."
     Jack threw the knife right next to Toby's head. It stuck into the wall and Toby looked at it mortified. Geez this guy was scary. "This is my house and I'll do as I please. You'll probably be here for a few days anyways. The cops are still outside."
     Toby felt a strong emotion of resentment towards him. He couldn't bear a few more days. Not with someone trying to eat him. Where was Masky and Hoody when he needed them? "W-where's your b-bathroom?" Jack pointed to a hallway, "Last door on the left."  Toby got up holding his stomach. He went down the hallway finding the door to his left. Something smelt funny. Maybe it was just the blood.
     Toby removed his clothing and began to take a shower. He needed alone time to think. This is the only way he'd keep from Jack. There wasn't any soap in there so he just stood underneath the water. It burned his stomach a little, but he didn't let it bother him.
     How was he going to survive here? Maybe he could escape without the police noticing him. There's a chance he could, just as long as the woman didn't give a good description. But they had a conversation. How could she not give an accurate picture. Toby leaned his head against the wall and sighed. The steam started to make him feel light headed.
     The door opened and Jack peeked in. "Hurry your ass up, you've been in there forever." Something made a small thud and then the door shut. Toby turned off the water and pulled back the curtain. On the floor was a towel. He picked it up and dried himself off. Luckily his stomach had stopped bleeding. Now it just gleamed a bright red. He got dressed into his clothes again and left the bathroom.
     "Here", Jack said tossing something at him. Toby was startled, but he managed to catch it. It was a rectangular, silver package. He opened it and inside were pop tarts. His face was that of sadness. Him and Lira had loved these after his mom stopped cooking breakfast. It was a stupid thing to remember, but after not having them since then, how could he not.
     "Be happy I'm feeding you", Jack bitterly said seeing his dissatisfaction. "S-sorry", was all Toby said. He wasn't ungrateful, he was just having bad memories. Toby pulled out the pastry and began eating away at it. It was sweet and crunchy. Better warmed, but he wasn't going to complain.
Jack sat on his couch and turned on the television. Toby sat down as well keeping his distance. Jack rolled his eyes as he flipped through the channels. "You don't have to be so wary, I'm not going to hurt you." Toby scoffed. He was cutting him open this morning.
"What do you want to watch?" Toby shrugged, "T-to be h-honest I-I don't really w-want t-to watch tv." Jack stood up and left the room. He came back holding a deck of cards in his hand. "Fine, how about we play a game then?" Toby was up for a game. He sat on the floor in front of the coffee table along with Jack.
"The game is simple. Follow the rules." Toby looked at him confused, "A-and what a-are t-the rules?" Jack shook his finger and smiled, " Just to follow the rules." Toby sighed and just went along with it. He was given seven cards. "I'll say this at least. It follows the idea of uno. You can only play a card of the same suite or number."
Toby nodded and Jack flipped over a card. "Actually, I want to add a little twist to this." He pulled out a knife and set it next to the cards. Toby looked at it cautiously. Did he just casually carry knives around? "The game of Mau begins now." Jack placed a queen, "bow." Toby looked at him confused. Toby placed a king down. Jack looked at him expectantly, receiving no response.
"Failure to sword", he said passing Toby a card. "Now you have to blindly stab your hand." Toby looked at him like he was crazy. "E-excuse me!" Jack pointed at the knife not saying another word. This was ridiculous. Toby picked up the knife and quickly stabbed at his hand. Luckily, he aimed it between his fingers.
Jack placed another card, then Toby changed the suite to diamonds. Again Jack looked at him and Toby did nothing. "Failure to rich man", Jack said handing him a card. Then he pointed at the knife. "A-again?" Jack nodded. "N-no! T-this game i-is stupid!" Toby threw his cards on the table and stood up. As he began to walk away, something sharp hit his shoulder blade.
Hesitantly Toby touched what had landed in his shoulder blade. "O-ow", he choked out. Jack walked up to him and pulled out the knife. A small scream escaped Toby's lips. "W-what's y-your problem." He looked at Jack with a worried expression. Jack had a mischievous grin playing on his face. "Play the game Toby." "N-no!" Toby threw a punch, but Jack stopped him with the knife. "Ahh", he yelled. "C-cut it o-out." He threw a punch with his other hand and was stabbed again.
"Play the game Toby." Not wanting to bear another slice, Toby reluctantly sat back down. They continued to play the game, Toby getting a few more cuts before picking it up. By the end, Jack had won. Toby didn't care though. What he cared about was the multiple wounds he had received.
"Follow me", Jack said seeing Toby stare at the cuts. Toby followed him into the restroom. From a cabinet Jack pulled out bandages a cloth, and Neosporin. "Take off your shirt." Toby listened and was turned around by Jack. He felt the wet rag burn the slice in his shoulder blade. He then proceeded to rub ointment and bandage it. He was turned back around and Jack did the same to his hands and arms.
"I-I don't g-get i-it...", Toby mumbled. "Get what?" Toby sighed. "W-well one m-minute y-your hurting me, a-and the n-next y-you take c-care of m-me..." Jack scoffed. "Don't get the wrong idea. I just have a guilty conscience. After doing something bad, I feel the need to do something good. I may not look human, but I do have sympathy. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the adrenaline and breaking in and stealing kidneys... Sometimes killing... But that doesn't mean I don't feel bad afterwards."
A wave of familiarity hit Toby. Almost like him.... His resentment towards Jack had somewhat faded in that moment. It was bound to return soon though. Maybe he didn't need to become an emotionless killing machine. Maybe he had it wrong this whole time. He decided that when he returned home, he would try doing something good. Maybe it would help like it did for Jack.
"There you are", Jack said fastening the bandage. "T-thanks", Toby mumbled still attentive to his thoughts. Jack picked up his shirt and gave it to him. "Put it back on please." Toby took it and Jack left. He slipped his shirt on careful not to disturb the bandaging. He returned to the couch where Jack sat watching tv. Instead of saying anything, he sat and watched with him. It seemed a better way to pass time over enduring pain. Then again, maybe it would help him in the long run.

A/n: alright so I'm back on schedule! 👍🏻 I hope you understood what I was doing with Jack. If you know his story, you'll know that he stitches his victims back up after taking their kidney. In my head it made sense to make him say what he did in this chapter. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed this chapter and have a fantabulous day! ^_^

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