Chapter 6.

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In school all I could think about was him, my mate. Connor.

It was thought like, ' I wonder what his last name is?' or ' Where did he come from last night?'

I was called out by the teachers a few times for not paying attention when asked questions.

Finally after what felt like forever, school was let out and I left with Tasha.

Half way to my house she snapped her fingers in front of my face. I blinked and realized she had been talking to me.

" What is with you today Amber?" She says.

" I don't know what you mean." I say back.

" You've not concentrated on anything today and when you day dream all you do is smile. It's creepy Amber. What's going on?"

" Nothings wrong ." I say.

She scoff as if to say, ' Sure.' But she didn't say anything and she let the subject drop.

Soon we made it to my house and I unlocked the door and together we walked into the house.

" You hungry Tasha?" I ask as my make my way into the kitchen to get a snack.

" Yeah." She replied.

I then grabbed a apple and got an idea. I looked over the counter and could see her standing there in the den. " TASHA, THINK FAST!!!!" I yelled before I chucked the apple at her.

She turned and spotted the apple, she did manage to dive to the side fast and avoid the apple.

She then glares at me. " Amber, so not cool!!!" She exclaimed as she picked the apple up and started eating it anyway.

I however burst out laughing and grabbed my own apple, tossing it from hand to hand before walking to the den, siting on the couch and finally taking a bite.

We hung out in the den for a while before her mom mind linked her and said she had to go home. " See you later Amber." She said as she opened the door.

" Later Tasha." I say.

Once she's gone I decide it's time to do my chores before my dad gets home later.

I quickly run upstairs and grab my iPod that was siting on my bedside desk and put my headphones into my ears and turn it on. Then make my way down stairs again.

I then hook the iPod to my belt loop, grab a broom and start sweeping the kitchen.

I soon get lost in the music and start to sing while I clean.

I'm not paying attention to anything as I do it.

I sweep up the pile and throw it away when I'm done sweeping, then I start on the dishes. I have to go to the other side of the kitchen to put up a strainer, so just for fun I twirl as I do.

I put the strainer in a Cabinet down below and make my way back over to the sink, and before I know it I'm done with the entire kitchen.

I roll up the headphones around my iPod and stuff it in my pocket. I then check the time. It's only 5:00.

The others normally don't show up till around seven, so I normally have dinner made and on the table by the time they get here.

" You have a lovely singing voice."

I jump at the sudden voice, turn to face the owner and stumble back when I see who it is.

I nearly trip and fall when I stumbled backwards, and I would have if it wasn't for his quick reaction and him putting his arm around my waist to steady me.

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