Chapter 9.

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I really don't want to do this. That stupid rogue tried to kill me and my best friend, and now for some weird reason I'll hopefully find out soon, he only will speak to me.

He better have a good reason for breaking into our packs territory and attacking us in my house.

We're getting closer and closer to the packs jail. As we get closer I get more and more nervous.

I've never seen this rogue human before, only his huge black wolf with red eyes.

Kurt leads me to the door and opens it for me, letting me go first. I walk in and with him behind me start descending down the steps towards the cells.

Most of the cells are regular ones with normal bars, but as you go deeper to where the most dangerous, cruel and vicious werewolf prisoners are. The bars get thicker and are covered with silver so they can't get out.

We're headed towards the bottom floors where they were keeping this rogue.

As we get closer I can smell my fathers scent, and the Alpha's. What in the world is Alpha George doing down here? I thought he had other stuff he needed to get done.

There is ten floors all together. It's kinda like a towers going down with a stair case circling around it with a door on each floor.

When you walk through the door you come down a hallway and end up at three more hallways. One going left, another going right and the last one straight ahead.

Every hall has about six to seven cells on each side, five at least.

Their keeping to rouge at the floor before the last. The last floor actually isn't full of cells. It's two huge rooms, one where they would do interrogations, in anyway possible and the other where they would execute the ones that had to be killed for whatever the heck they did.

Seems terrible, I know, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

They don't use the interrogation room as a torture room. It may have stuff close to what you would find in a torture room, but this pack would never use it for that purpose.

It is strictly used for interrogations, and that only.

Apparently were going to the interrogation room where they are currently holding the rogue for when I come.

Apparently from what Kurt has told me, the rogue is chained close to the wall with silver cuffs so he won't try fighting to get to me if he even try's.

Soon we make it to the door to the interrogation room. Kurt looks at me with a look that's basically asking me if I'm ready and all I do is nod.

He opens the door and allows me to go in. I've never stepped foot this deep into the prison, let alone the interrogation room.

Now I see why. There's all type of things in here that I have no idea how to begin to describe them.

The only thing I can describe is that there's a metal chair siting in the middle of the room, it has silver cuffs for hand and ankles.

I scan the room till I spot my father and Alpha George. There standing a couple feet away from the wall where I'm guessing the rogue is chained up. There were also about six guards around them to make sure they stay safe.

I walk forward towards them. As I get closer I see the rogue. He's wearing some outfit that consists of nasty blue jeans tore in many spots with huge holes as well.

He was also wearing a stained white shirts with a couple holes here and there. He was barefoot.

He had brown hair that nearly went down to the middle of his forehead.

The thing about him that creeped me out more then anything was the creepy, insane look in his eyes.

I finally make it to my father. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I look up at him.

" Your going to talk to him for a bit with us around and you are not to get close enough to where he can grab you. If he starts getting out of control in any way I will personally remove you from the room. Understand." He says.

" Yes father." I say.

He nods and does something I didn't expect. He kisses my forehead. Then motions for me to walk up to where the rogue was but to stay at a safe distance.

I walk slowly closer to the rogue. As I get closer the rogue spots me and grins creepily. " Ah Amber, just the person I wanted to see." He says.

I have to suppress the shiver when I hear how creepy his voice sounds, and the words that leave his mouth. I can just barely hear a small growl from my dad.

The rogue crawls closer, and I can just barely sense my father tense up at that.

I stop walking toward the rogue and stay at a safe distance like my father said.

The rogue lets out a small laugh. " Go on, ask what you want, I know you have questions?" He said.

" Why did you want to talk to me over any one else?" I ask.

" Cause my boss told me not to talk to anyone else but you if you managed to survive the attack." He says.

" Your boss?" I ask.

" Yes my boss. He's bigger and more powerful then any rogue out there. He's huge and dangerous and for some reason and I don't know why cause I've never asked, he completely obsessed with you." He said.

" So he sent you to attack me?" I ask.

" Yes."

" Why?" I ask. This rogue is just spilling information. Why? I have no freaking idea.

" Cause he wanted to see if you would survive. Cause if we didn't show up, that would mean we were either captured or killed and that would mean you survived." He says.

" Why did he want to see if I would survive a rogue attack?" I say.

" You'll have to ask him that himself."

I freeze and feel Kurt, Alpha George and my father tense up at that. My dad lets out a loud growl.

" What do you mean by that?" I ask.

" I can't answer that one or any other question. I gave you the only information my boss will allow. So sorry, but I remain quiet from here." Says the rogue. He then sits back and relaxes there.

I just stand there frozen till my father leads me to the stairs. " Go back to the house." He said and then he disappeared back into the room.

I did as he said and left. Once I was out of the prison I took off for home.

What that rogue said freaked me out. Like a lot.

What did he mean about asking him myself? I want to know what he meant, but I don't want to find out personally.

Soon I make it to my house and quickly lock the doors and windows just to be safe. I know I don't have to cause my dad never said to, but I felt as if I should.

My dad may be strict, but he's pretty protective of me.

It's ok at times, but in other times it can be plain old annoying.

I see what time it is and I know the others will be home soon for dinner, including dad. So I start cooking.

I can't help but to wonder if Connor knows of this big powerful rogue. I know he hasn't been a rogue long, but still I'm curious.

I guess I'll just have to ask him tonight. Soon I have dinner on the table just as my family comes in, and we finally sit down to eat.

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