Chapter 14.

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Again it's the same as every morning, woke by my mom to go to school.

It's just this time, I don't really care. I wake up with a smile on my face, ready to tackle anything this day has to throw at me.

I hope out of bed, quickly grab some clothes and make my way to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower, hop out and dry off before slipping on the clothes for today.

I then leave the bathroom and skip down the steps and into the kitchen.

Yes I skipped.

But who cares, I'm in a good mood and nothing's going to ruin it just yet.

I sit in a chair and see my mom walk up and place some food in front of me. I thank her and start eating.

Then in the middle of my meal, dad comes down the steps with John following closely behind.

They were deep in discussion. " I just don't see how that could happen." Says John.

" I don't either, but somehow someone got to them before we could." Says my dad.

" How many bodies were there again?" Says John.

" Five bodies, all rogues. It looked like they had put up a pretty good fight against whoever killed them, but they didn't seem to last long." Says my dad.

" What are you two talking about?" Asks my mom setting some food in
Front of them.

They nodded at her in thanks and started eating. " A wolf was making rounds this morning and came across five bloody, dead bodies. Rogues. " says my dad.

" The ones that were just spotted running into our territory yesterday?" I ask.

" The very same." Says my dad.

I nod. " What does this mean then?" I ask.

" It means our rogues problem is gone. Someone took care of the situation for us and we have no idea who, but I can say one thing. We're very grateful for their help." Says my dad. John nodded in agreement.

Yay!! Their happy about what he did!! I can't wait to tell Connor tonight!!

" Do I still have to have a body guard?" I ask. I'm really hoping he says I don't have to have one.

" No, not anymore, but for extra safety I want you and Tasha to keep a eye out for anything funny, the Alpha has also ordered more wolfs to patrol the borders to make sure nothing gets in or out." Says my dad.

I nod. Then as of hearing her name in the conversation, the door opens after a knock to reveal Tasha.

" Ready Amber?" She asks.

I nod. " Thanks again for breakfast mom. I'll see you guys later." I say.

" Stay safe Amber." They all three say in unison.

I laugh. " I will."

I then leave with Tasha. The second the door closes Tasha's arms wrap around me in a tight hug. " I missed you bestie." She says.

I laugh again and manage to pry he off of me. " You didn't see me for only one day, but I missed you to bestie. Now come on, we don't want to be late." I say.

She nods and we take off running to school, laughing and talking as we ran, but also keeping a careful eye out for anything funny.

Thankfully nothing went wrong.

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