Chapter 11.

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As I walk up to the tree where he is I can't help but to feel a bit nervous about asking him these questions.

As much as I don't really want to ask him for fear of the answers, I'm to curious to not ask them.

Once I get closer to him, he grins and waits for me. I understand why he waited in the bushes. He didn't want anyone to see him, I just wish he didn't have to hide.

" Hello Connor." I say.

" Hey amber." He says.

The second I step next to him, his arms wrap around me in a small hug. His touch sending tingles through my skin. " I missed you amber." He says.

I chuckle. " It's only been a day, but I can't complain, I missed you as well." I say with a grin.

" Good."

He lets go, but keeps hold of my hand. He leads me deep into the woods.

We go to a quiet spot in the woods. " This is where I've been sleeping every night." He says.

" Why here?" I ask

" For one thing, it's closer to your house, so I can protect you if needed, and two. Look up."

I did as he said and what I saw was stunning. The place we were at was free of all branches and showed off how amazing and beautiful the view of the stars was. You could see constellations and the moon.

It was a full moon and the beam of light from the moon shinned down on us. It also shinned on the flowers and trees that surrounded us, making the place look amazing. It was beautiful and I have no idea how I didn't notice it when we first arrived.

" Now I see why you sleep here." I say.

He smiled down at me and lead me to the base of the tree closest to us and we sat down. Me cuddled up into his side and his arm around me, keeping me warm.

My head was on his shoulder.

' Nows your chance to ask him the questions.' Says my wolf.

She was right. I had to ask the question sooner or later.

" Hey Connor, I have a few questions I need to ask you." I say.

" Ask away."

" Well today, remember how I told about the rogues that attacked me and my friends Tasha?" I say.

He growls at the memory. " Yes I remember. What about it?" Says Connor.

" Well we took one captive for questioning and he wouldn't speak to anyone or answer any question unless I was the one asking them. So my father brought me into the interrogation room today to talk to the rogue." I say.

This time a loud growl rattles through his chest. I can see the anger about that is in his eyes. His arm tightens around me in a more protective way. " Why would your father take you to talk to one of the rogues that tried to kill you. If it were up to me I'd yank that rogues head right off his shoulders for trying to hurt you in the first place." He says angrily. I smile at his protectiveness of me.

" My brother John asked the same thing." I say. He nods, but stays tenses up.

" Ok please continue?" He says.

" Well I was asking him questions, and don't worry he was chained up with sliver cuffs and I was well protected. I had a bunch of guards there, along with Alpha George and his son Kurt and my father."

He seems to relax a bit after I say that. " Ok so what did he say after you asked him the questions?"  He says.

" Well I was asking him why he attacked me and why he would only talk to me and he responded by saying his boss told him to only talk to me if I managed to survive the attack."

" Why you?" He says.

" He said his boss wanted to see how strong I was. If those three didn't show up then that means they were captured of killed and I survived the attack. He also said for some reason that he doesn't know cause he never asked, his boss is completely obsessed with me." I felt his tense up even more at my words. I continued through. " I asked why and he said I would have to ask him that myself then he stopped talking all together a wouldn't say another word." I finish.

" Who is this boss this rogue is talking about?" He says. It sounds as if he's trying to keep his anger from boiling over. He also sounds a bit panicked.

" He said he was the most huge, powerful and dangerous rogue ever." I said.

He tensed up even more. " No. Not that rogue." He whispers.

He stands up and walks away from me over to a tree and punches it. " What's wrong, do you know who I'm talking about?" I ask.

He nods. " Sadly I did. I met him face to face under terrible circumstances."

" May I ask what happened?" I say.

" I'm sorry. I don't think I can talk about it just yet." He say quietly, even in the dark I can see tears shinning in his eyes. Pure rage was seen as well.

I stand up and walk over to him. " It's ok Connor. You don't have to say it." I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

He smile and rests his head on my hand. " Thank you Amber."

I nod. I also wanted to ask how he escaped the prison, but I don't think now is the best time, so I'll have to ask tomorrow night.

" I can't let this rogue anywhere near you. He's so dangerous and evil looking, he could be considered a demon. To me he even looks like one and acts like it. He will kill any man, woman or child in his path with a seconds hesitation." Says Connor.

" So what are we going to do?" I ask. A bit of panic filling my body.

He turns to look at me. " Don't panic. I will help anyway I can. You are my mate and it's my job to protect you, even if that means losing my life in the process. " he say protectively.

" You don't have to do that for me you know." I say.

" I know, but it's my job. I like you to much to let anything happen to you. Right now you are everything to me, and if anything happened to you I would go crazy. I will protect you and stay close to your house." He says.

" What if someone sees you though?" I say.

" Not to worry Amber. No one will see me. I'll make sure of it. " He says.

I nod. He pulls me into a hug and I bury my face in his chest, breathing in his scent.

He puts his chin on my head. " I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." He whispers to me.

We stand there for so long before we go sit against the tree again and enjoy each other's company.

I try cuddling into his side again, but he moves me to where I'm sitting in his lap and I can't help but to smile. I lean back and rest my head against his chest. Together we just sit there enjoying our alone time while we look at the stars.

Sadly all good things must soon come to a end. After a while we decide I should head back to my house.

He walks me all the way there. I kiss his cheek and and we say goodnight and I turn and walk into my house, careful not to make a sound.

I then close and lock the door and quickly make my way up to my room and look out the window to see him looking up at me.

I smile at him and make my way to my bed cause he motion for me to. I smile even wider at that.

I laid  down and tried to fall asleep.

It's nice knowing I have a protective mate like him.

He nice, and right now I couldn't ask for a better mate, and with that I finally fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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