Chapter 43.

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A/N. Ok guys. We're trying something different. I'm putting this chapter into Connors POV. You'll get to learn a little more about him. I hope you enjoy.

Connors POV.

I can't believe what just happened. Didn't they see me trying to save her, to help her?

I was trying to do my job as a mate. I can't believe this.

So there I lay at the mercy of another Alpha. I'm now on my knees with my head bowed.

This isn't fair. I don't want to go back to prison. I didn't do anything.

I can't go back. I've got to take care of Amber. I have to save her.

Then I hear a growl. " Lift your head up boy. Now!" Says ambers father.

I do as I'm told, not wanting to tick them off anymore.

" It is him Alpha George. " says ambers father.

" Contact Alpha Conan. Tell him we found his son." Says alpha George.

At those words fear fills me. If my dad gets ahold of me again, there's nothing stopping him from killing me.

" Yes Alpha." Says ambers father before walking off.

John saw me and ran up. " Your son is alive Alpha. He should heal soon." Says John.

Relief fills me with that. Cassandra would have gone crazy if she lost him after just finding him.

" He got away with her Alpha. The boss rogue. He has her." Says John.

At that I can't stop the loud growl that comes from my mouth.

John just smiles a little whereas the Alpha looks shocked.

" John take Connor here to the packs prison. Get him a fresh set of clothes. " says Alpha George.

" Yes Alpha. " says John. They had used some rope to tie up my hands.

I could rip the rope and break free, but if I did that it wouldn't help at all.

It would just make me seem like I am a criminal when I'm not.

So I walk ahead of John. I make sure I keep my head down and I allow John to lead me to the pack prison.

The second we make it to the door of the prison and walk in John talks to me.

" Thank you for trying to help her Connor. I'll try and help you out of this mess. " says John.

" Why, you barely know me?" I say.

" I know enough. Your a good guy Connor. I believe your story. You don't deserve this." Says John.

I nod. I can't smile even though I want to, to show him in grateful.

I just can't without her.

" We'll get her back." Say John. He lead me down the stairs to a cell and unlocked it.

He opened the door and untied the rope. I then walked in and he closed it behind me.

I turn to face her. " I need to save her John. I'm her mate. It's my job to protect and right now she's been capture by the same stupid rogue that framed me and killed my mother. I can't let him kill her to. Please John?  I can't live without her. " I say.

John nods. " I'll talk to Tasha and Kurt once he wakes and together us three will talk to Alpha George about freeing you to save her." Says John.

" If you have to tell them about my story. About her being my mate. Anything that will get me free so I can save her." I say.

" I'll do my best.  " says John.

" Thank you John. She's lucky to have a brother like you." I say.

John give me a small smile before turning and walking away leaving me alone in the cell.

I knew this would happen if I got caught.

I promised her I wouldn't let that rogue get her. If only they hadn't prevented me from doing my job she'd be safe.

' Amber, can you hear me' I say over our mind link. Trying to reach her.

I don't get a response. Crap that stupid rogue has some way to block mind links.

That would explain how Amber wasn't able to contact her father during the first rogue attack.

I can't help but wonder how they are pulling that kinda thing off.

I look around cell and go sit on the little bed in the corner.

John comes back about thirty minutes later with fresh clothes.

I take them and thank him. " Why is your Alpha so kind to prisoners?" I say.

" He's not kind to all prisoners. He knew since you weren't fighting us and you did everything without question or talking back, or even fighting, that he might as well be a little nice. " says John.

I nod. " My dad either leaves people there with only one or two meals a day, besides that it's either torture or he kills them right away." I say.

John's eyes widened. " What will he do if he gets you?" Says John.

" He's going to kill me John. He said that after the pack dinner here, once he got back he was going to kill everyone that he thought was involved in the rogue attack that killed my mother. That meant he was planning on killing me John. " I say.

John nodded. " Don't worry. I will get you out of here. There is no way Alpha George would allow you to be killed for something you didn't do." Says John.

" Are you sure? If he believed me he wouldn't let my dad get me again?" I say.

" Of course not. Plus once he knows your Amber's mate as well, there is no way he will give you back to someone who would kill you." Says John.

" I hope your right." I say.

John nods. " I'll be back soon." Says John before leaving.

Ok so hopefully I won't be given back to my dad.

I know if dad catches me again he will kill me the second we make it back onto his territory.

That's what scares me. If Amber gets safe, but I'm given to my dad one of us would lose the other anyway.

I just really hope what John says is true.

I lean back and sigh. I really hope Amber's ok.

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A/N. Ok I hope that chapter was good. The next chapter will be Amber's POV.

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