Chapter 49.

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Connors POV.

John and I are out of his packs territory finally.

The scent were following keeps getting stronger and stronger.

We're getting closer. It's still dark, but getting closer to daylight.

John grabbed a few bags of clothing for us that was hidden around the woods for when we needed it.

I don't know how long we've been running, but it's worth it if I get to save Amber.

As we get closer the mate bond gets stronger. I can't sense her more so I know I'm going the right way.

I can feel something sorta like fear. I know she's scared.

I would be to if I was in her position. I'm just glad she's alive.

Suddenly I feel a very sharp pain in my arm.

It's so sudden I stumble a second and a small whimper leaves my mouth.

I'm still as my wolf so I slow my pace for a second.

John slowed a little. He was looking at me.

I pick back up the pace. It was probably just a small cramp from running.

However that feeling of fear has gotten even stronger.

Something is happening now. I run faster.

So fasts John's having trouble keeping up.

Suddenly pain flared from the same arm slowly through my body.

So bad, so sudden. I trip and go rolling.

I shift back fast and let out a yell clutching my arm.

I have handled bad wounds, but this hurts worse then that.

It burns. Suddenly John's there. " Connor what's wrong." He asked.

" D-don't know. Pain just started. I-it's like it's not even my own p..." I then gasp and my eyes go wide.

So does John's. If it's not my pain. This is what Amber is feeling, but way worse then this.

I don't care if it hurts anymore. " John he's hurting her. I'm feeling Amber's pain. Come on we got to move."  I say getting up.

" Will you be ok?" Says John.

I glare at him. " John if I'm feeling this Amber's feeling worse. I don't care if I can handle it or not. Someone needs to save her and darn it. I'm gonna do just that. I'm her mate. It's my job. Now come on." I snap.

He nods and we both shift again and take off.

We run as fast as we can. ' Amber. Can you hear me?!' I say over our mind link. Trying again, hoping it works this time.

It take a few minute before something happens. ' Connor help me!' She cried in my head. It worked. We can talk again.

I howl. John looks at me. ' Don't worry Amber. I'm almost to you. I'll save you. ' I say back.

' Hurry.' She cried.

I run even faster. Pushing myself. As I get closer and closer the pain get worse and worse, but I don't care.

I need her safe. ' Hang in there baby. I'm almost there.' I say.

Soon it's early morning by the time we see a huge camp.

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