Chapter 40.

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The three of us walk into the meeting room to see Alpha George talking with my father and Tasha's father.

Guards everywhere throughout the room just in case.

I walk forward. When dad sees me he looks back at Alpha George and nods.

" We didn't have a rogue attack this morning. They had all been killed. However one rogue made it to town. He was quickly taken care of. This rogue had a note attached to it." Says Alpha George.

" It's from the boss rogue. " says my father.

I knew he'd leave something like that.

" What's it say." I ask.

My dad walks forward and hands the note to me. I look down and start reading. It says.

You had your chance Alpha. I gave you as many days as I could, but I've done enough waiting. It's time I do things my way. You got till morning to prepare for my attack. Innocent wolves will die. If your in my way you will die. I want the girl. I'm coming for her myself. Be ready Alpha, for the fight you'll wish you never caused.

Reading those words sent a huge surge of panic flowing through my body.

I looked up at dad and Alpha George. " What are we going to do?" I ask.

" We're not giving you to them. I've already sent many more guards to the borders. More surrounding the pack house and your house. We will make sure you stay safe." Says Alpha George.

I nod. " What if the boss rogue does get me?" I say.

" If that rogue shows his ugly face. I'll kill him myself. He won't get within ten feet of you. I promise you that." Says My father.

" I'll do the same." Says Alpha George.

" As will I." Says John.

" Don't count me out. I'll do the same no matter what." Says Kurt.

I smile at them. " Thank you guys. I'm just scared about this." I say.

" Don't be. We won't ever let anything happen to you. " says John.

I know by we, he's meaning not only the leaders of this pack, but also my mate and his childhood friends.

" He's right. " says Kurt.

I smile at them. " So what do we do now?" I ask.

" We're going to have even more guards keeping watch over your place, more running the borders and searching the woods. I'm also going to send a mind link to all wolves for all the men to be ready to fight if  necessary, and for all the women and children to come to the pack house where they'll be safer in case it's a big rogue attack. " says Alpha George.

I nod and look at my father. " Kurt, and John, I want you two to take Amber back to the house. Make sure she gets there safely. " Says my father.

They nod. My father walks up and hugs me. " I promise I'll keep you safe. Stay with them ok." Says my father. I nod.

He lets go and I walk to Kurt and John and together the three of us leave.

Me in the middle. John to my right, and Kurt to my left.

When were far enough away from the pack house I look at John. " If they are doubling the guards around our house, how am I going to sneak out to see Connor?" I say.

" Don't worry about that. Tonight it the last night. The two of us will make sure you get out of the house to see him. I promise you that." Says John.

I nod. " Ok." I say.

I hope they're right. I have to see Connor tonight no matter  what.

' It's really important that we do. ' says my wolf.

' I know. It may be the last time I see him for a while. I know they say we're safe from this boss rogue. That he will never get me, but I can't help but have a very bad feeling about this.' I say back.

' I'm nervous about this as well. ' says my wolf.

' What if I did let Connor mark me tonight?' I say to my wolf.

' That is a question that will be answered tonight when we see him. We won't know till then.' Says my wolf.

' Ok. Tonight we'll see.' I say back.

" Having fun talking to you wolf are we?" Says Kurt with a smile.

" Yeah. Just talking." I say looking at him.

I then notice that were in my yard and John's unlocking the door.

Once he has it open the three of us walk in.

None of us knew what to do for a while. So we decided to put on a movie.

I picked it of course. I decided we would be watching The City of Bones movie.

It not exactly like the book. However it's still pretty amazing and I love it a lot.

I laugh during the movie as the two boys are mocking A funny part in the movie.

Soon once it's over we get up and they come into the kitchen with me and help me make some cookies.

I was hungry and wanted some type of  surgery dessert.

I grab a few plastic bags and put some in it.

I hand one to Kurt. " For you a Cassandra. John I want  you to give this one to Tasha and Clayton. I have some for Connor and I. " I say. I hand John a bag to.

" What about some for me?" Says John.

" You get some here since you live here. If you want pack a few for you as well." I say smiling.

He grins and nods. I roll my eyes and put the small bag of cookies for Connor and I in my coat pockets.

I decided I'll bring my coat tonight. I may not need it, but it's the only way to hide my cookies.

I pass a few around to Kurt and John now.

They smiled and thanked me. " So what's the plan?" I ask.

" The plan is, you let us worry about it and just do as we say tonight. Ok?" Says Kurt.

" As long as I get to see him tonight I'll do anything. " I say.

The nod and smile. We then go back into the den to watch some tv.

My parents sent John and I a mind link saying they were going to stay at the pack house. They said no matter what I'll be safe where I am now.

Alpha George also had sent out the mind link to the entire pack about the women and children going to the pack house and the guys getting ready to fight just in case they are needed.

Soon I'll cook some food with help from John and Kurt. Then all I got to do till tonight is wait.

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Hey guys. Sorry. Another late update. I've been pretty busy. Hopefully if I'm able I can get the next up sooner then this one. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though. :-)

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