Chapter 12.

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I wake yet again to my mother yelling at me to get up and get ready for school.

Man I seriously hate going to school.

I get up out of bed and grab a nice outfit to go to the shower.

Once I'm done I quickly get dressed and comb my hair. I then brush my teeth and quickly make my way down stairs.

I decide  to leave my hair down again, but today I'm keeping a hair tie around my wrist in case I want to put it up.

I soon smell the sweet smell of blue berry waffles. My personal favorite.

I then see my mother cooking some eggs and bacon as well. The waffles would have been just fine to me, but my brother and father have a much bigger appetite the. I do, so she always make a lot extra.

" Hey mom, did the boys already leave?" I ask. They are normally gone before I get up anyway, but I thought I might as well ask.

" Morning Amber, and no actually. John wanted to walk you to school today. Tasha's father is taking her." Says my mother.

I sit in a chair and turn it to face my mom. " Why? Their normally gone before I even get up." I say.

" I know, but for some reason John insisted on taking you. Your father however has a meeting to attend with Alpha George. Their going to go meet Alpha Conan and his bête." Says my mother.

" What time does that start?" I ask.

" Around one, so he doesn't need to leave the house early today." Says my mother. I nod and start eating some food she set in front of me.

" Thank you by the way." I say. She just smiles and continues to work in the kitchen.

Then I hear footsteps coming down the steps.

John soon comes into the kitchen and spots mom and I and walks up to us.

" Morning." He says.

" Morning." We say back at the same time.

John smiles. " So Amber, you have heard that I'm walking you to school today." Says John.

It was more of a statement then it was a question, but I nod anyway.

" Yes." I say.

" Good, hurry up and eat if you can. We need to leave as soon as we possibly can. " he says. After that he grabs a waffle and a apple and makes his way to the door.

A couple minutes later I grab my bag, say bye to my mother and make my way outside where I find John waiting for me.

" Why did you want to walk me to school today?" I ask.

" Father and I were talking in his room this morning. Turns out there were more rogues in our territory and if the first ones targeted you specifically out of everyone, then we need to protect you and I volunteered to protect myself." Says John.

I smile. It's good to know that my brother would rather protect me then let some person I don't know from the pack protect me.

The smile then fades. What if it was Connor they saw? What if they capture him? Or worse, what if they kill him? I force myself to stay calm and ask the next question.

" How many rogues, and where were they sighted?" I ask.

" They were sighted running through the woods in the west side of our territory. There was five of them this time rather then three." Says John.

Relief fills me. Connor must be ok, because he didn't come with anyone.

" Well what about Tasha, does she need protection as well?" I ask.

" Don't worry about that. Her father already has that covered."

" Ok. So your following me, even in my classes at school, lunch, everything?" I ask.

He nods. I then look and see were at my school. Well here goes nothing.

We then walk into school together.

Soon though school was over, I honestly thought it would never end. With every class I was asked by random students as to why my brother won't stop following me. It was a question that was even asked by the teachers as well. John only said. ' Just following orders.'

It was getting pretty annoying at times. Finally though it was over and we were in our way back to my house.

Son we walked straight into the house and I set my bag down and started on my homework.

There was one good thing about John being here. When I asked for help with the homework he helped. That is of l I needed help. I normally don't though.

Soon I was done with that and we grabbed a snack. Well more like leftovers from breakfast.

After we ate, we sat down on the couch and started watching tv. I wasn't really paying attention.

Instead I was looking outside where I would hopefully meet Connor again tonight.

Last night was wonderful. The place he sleeps is the most beautiful spot I have ever seen in our packs territory. I can't believe how close it was to me house though.

I really trust and really like Connor. He's so sweet and kind and I can tell by the way he reacts to things, he's gone through a lot. I just wish I knew what.

' I'm dying to know as well.' My wolf says.

' Well, with him being our mate and all, he's bound to tell us sometime.' I says back.

She agrees with me. I look at John. He seems tense, like he's just waiting for something to happen.

I hope nothing does happen like it did last time. That was scary enough. Mostly not being able to contact anyone.

' Hey can we go for a run tonight with Conner?' Asks my wolf.

I can tell she really wants to go for a run and I do to. ' Yes we can.' I say back.

I then smile cause my wolf is basically cheering in joy.

I laugh slightly, John doesn't pay no mind to it. He knows what it's like to talk to your wolf at times.

Soon I get up and start cooking super. John shockingly gets up as well and helps me.

I like John being with me. I never really get to spend time with him. So I will enjoy what I can spend with him now.

As we cook I can sense how happy my wolf is, and it brings only one thought into my mind right now.

I can't wait for tonight.

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