Chapter 37.

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Tasha and I were starting to cook I big meal since Kurt was staying over as well.

I'm not sure why he would spend the night, and I'd be very happy about it if tonight wasn't one of the only times we'd get to see our mates.

Tasha leans over to me. " How are we going to sneak out tonight with Kurt here as well?" Says Tasha in a whisper.

" I'm not sure, but I'm sure we'll figure out a way." I say back.

She nods and we continue to cook. We're cooking a huge meal of hamburger patties with rice, corn, and green beans.

Kurt and John are still sitting in the den talking while watching tv.

When Kurt normally came over, he and John would watch their favorite tv show. They were obsessed with criminal minds.

I look in the den and see that's what their watching.

I grin and look at Tasha. " Just like old times. We're cooking and the boys are watching their favorite show. " I say.

She grins at that as well. Soon just before the meal is done the front door opens and my parents walk in.

" Perfect timing. Dinners just about ready." I say.

They smile. " Great. Then we can all sit down at the table and have a family meal." Says my mother.

I smile. " John, Kurt come here I need your help." I yell.

They turn off the tv and make their way into the kitchen. 

I have them a bunch of plates, silverware, and napkins. " Go set the table." I order.

They grin. " Yes ma'am. " they say at the same time before going and doing as I asked.

I smile and turn back to help Tasha set the dishes of food in the dinning room table.

Tasha then helps me get all the cups and fill them with ice and tea before helping me take them to the table.

We set them down and called everyone to the table.

We sat down and started eating. Our dinner tonight was filled with laughing and jokes. It was as if none of this stuff with the rogues has happened.

After we eat we pick out a movie and go to the den and sit down.

John sits in the chair while my parents and Kurt sit on the couch.

Tasha and I grab a few pillows and make ourselves comfy on the floor.

We watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.

The only one my parents had yet to see cause they were always to busy.

I swear Harry Potter is one of the best movie and book series out there, and it always will be.

After the movie we looked at the clock and realized how late it was.

My parents said goodnight and went on to bed telling us not to stay up to late or be to loud.

We looked at the clock and saw it was 11. Tasha and I waited a few minutes before saying goodnight and heading to bed ourselves.

We waited a while before we heard John and Kurt go to bed, and since John has to watch me and make sure I'm safe they both made little beds out of sheets, blankets and pillows in front of my room door.

After twenty more minutes I carefully open the door to see if they were both asleep, and they were.

I then looked back at Tasha and nodded.

I quietly closed the door back and we made our way to the window.

I slowly open the door and let Tasha hop down first.

After she's down and is hidden in the bushes I jump down next.

We make sure the guards patrolling the house aren't looking before we take off into the woods.

The seconds were in the woods we stop running and start walking.

" Well, that was easier then I thought. " says Tasha.

" Yes. " I say. It almost seemed to easy.

I shake that thought away and Tasha and I continue making our way to our mates

As we get closer we hear growling from wolves. " Connor it's just us." I say.

At that the growling stops and three wolves emerge from the bushes.

I recognized Connors wolf right away. They were about to shift back when loud snarling was heard all around us.

I unconsciously move closer to Tasha at that.

However Tasha and I don't have enough time to shift to our own wolves before ten rogues jumped out of the woods all around us and ran directly towards me.

Connor, Clayton and Cassandra start fighting them off. Protecting us as they do so.

They didn't let any rogue get close to us.

However the rogues started to seem to much do the three of them.

Then the worst thing happened. Five more rogues showed up.

Cassandra and Clayton were fighting off the first ten, leaving Connor to fight off the last five on his own.

He fought as hard as he could. Connors wolf yelped when a rogue sunk its teeth into his side.

It threw Connors wolf to the side and slammed his body into a tree.

Connor yelped again. They just kept attacking him.

He jumped up and Attacked them. He tackled one and bit down on its neck.

The rogue died in seconds. He tackled another, before he was able to do anything the other three tackled Connor.

Connor snarled, roared and snapped at them. He even tried to claw them, but they were to much.

One reeled back with its claw and was about to slice down on Connors neck which would kill him.

" CONNOR!!" I scream before I could stop myself.

Just before the claw hit Connor the rogues were tackled off of him by two other wolves.

My eyes go wide. The two new wolves killed the four other rogues. Cassandra and Clayton just finished taking down the other ten rogues.

Then the other two wolves walked away from Connor.

Cassandra and Clayton helped Connors wolf up and led him around a tree.

Tasha and I stare at the two wolves. We know who they are.

This is bad. This is so so bad.

The two wolves went behind a tree and shifted back.

Just then Cassandra and Clayton came around helping Connor. They had shifted back and Connor was clutching his side where he'd been bit and he had a small limp.

They looked at the tree as the other two came around and had shifted back.

Crap this is worse then I thought. Tasha and I stood in the middle.

Cassandra, Clayton and Connor stood to the left, and lastly my brother John and Kurt stood to the right.

Well I guess our secrets out. Crap!

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