Chapter 23.

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After the pack dinner my family stays to help clean up.

I help by scraping off the scraps of food left on the plates into the trash and handing them to John who is helping wash them.

My mother is helping a few other pack members collect all the dishes and take them to the back.

My father rarely helps cause of pack business, he had started to help us, but was called to the Alpha's office for important business.

Once were done cleaning and everything is spotless, we finally start making our way home.

It's getting late and the sun is starting to set, leaving the sky with an orange tint to it.

It was quite beautiful. I look around at the trees and bushes as we pass them.

I know that Connor is there watching, but he's deep in the woods to make sure no ones sees him.

Which is a pretty smart idea giving the fact of how many pack members are around and outside at the moment.

On the walk home we pass by Tasha's house.

When she spots me through the window she runs out to meet me.

I tell my mom I will be home soon after I talk to Tasha a little bit.

She nods and together her and John continue walking.

I look and Tasha and smile. " Hey Tasha." I say as she finally makes it to me.

She wraps her arms around me in a friendly hug.

" Hey Amber. " she says as I hug back.

She then smiles at me and backs away. It may seem like a normal smile to others, but given the fact that I know her so well I know she's up to something.

" Ok spill it. " I say crossing my arms.

" What do you mean?" Says Tasha in a obvious lie.

" You lied. That lie and that stupid smile means your up to something. So spill it." I say.

The smile on her face then spreads into one of the biggest grins I have ever seen.

" I already talked your parents and my own about this. Your coming over for a sleep over tomorrow night." She says.

I grin. It sounds like fun, but wait...

I would miss time to see Connor. What do I do?

As if reading my mind she answered my unasked question.

" You will just have to make the most of it tonight when you see him." Says Tasha. I almost become confused and scared by what she said until I remember that I had told her I found my mate and that's who I've been sneaking out to see at night.

I however, didn't tell her his real name so she still has no clue its Connor.

I sigh. " Fine I guess I could go one night without seeing him." I say. I don't want to and my wolf really does not want to spend time away from our mate, but I also haven't spent any time with my best friend in a while.

So this sleepover will be a good chance for us to finally get to hang out and have fun.

Tasha jumps up and down and let's out a little squeal. " Yay yay yay, I can't wait. Oh we're going to have so much fun. Your going to love it." She says in a rush.

I laugh at how happy she is about this, and to be honest I am rather excited about it as well.

I'll tell Connor tonight that I won't be able to visit him tomorrow night, but I will however visit him the next night.

There's no question about that.

Soon after I have talked to Tasha some more we part ways.

Mostly cause her parents wanted her in and I had to get home before it was fully dark outside.

I know that if it was dark I wouldn't worry about walking home by myself.

Connor would be in the woods watching me, ready to jump out and protect me at the first sight of trouble.

As it gets more dark I notice I'm the only one outside at the moment.

" Hello beautiful." Says a voice behind me.

My eyes go wide as I realize who's voice it is. I already knew who it was by my wolf going crazy as he got close to me and his wonderful scent.

I turn my head to see Connor walk up next to me.

" What are you doing Connor." I say.

" What? I was just coming to walk my beautiful mate home. Is that so bad?" He says.

" Yes and no." I say. He gives me a confused look.

I sigh. " Yes it's bad because your out in the open at my packs neighborhood and could easily be spotted by someone. " I say. He nods. "And no, because I do really like the fact that your walking me home. I just don't want to see someone spot and capture you."

He gives me a small smile and puts his arm around me, hugging me close to him as we walk start walking to my home.

" Don't worry baby. Nothing will happen." He says. I smile and nod.

I start to wonder if he heard the entire conversation I had with Tasha.

" No worries. I heard you talking to your friend Tasha. It's fine if you want to hang out with her. " says Connor.

" Really? You'd be fine with that?" I say.

" My wolf will probably be yelling at me all night for being away from you longer then I want to be, but it's your best friend and you should spend some time together to relax and have fun." Says Connor.

I grin at him. " Your awesome. You know that?" I say.

He smirks and looks down at me. " Well of course. I'm me. How could I not be awesome?" He says.

I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh.

My house isn't far from Tasha's, so we were close to my place to begin with.

We stop a few feet away from my house. They won't be able to see us because of huge tree blocking their view from where we are.

It's a smart idea. If my family saw Connor walk me up to my door, or anyone for that matter.

We would be in deep, deep trouble.

I turn to look at him. I look around first to make sure we aren't being watched by anyone before I actually look at him.

" I'll see you in a bit." Says Connor.

" You can count on it." I say causing him to grin. " I'll bring you surprise though. Something you'll like."

" Awesome." He says.

He is standing directly in front of me and is looking me straight in the eyes.

His facial features soften as his right hand comes up and puts some of my hairs behind my ear, before he gently touches my left cheek and leans in for a kiss.

I meet him half way and sparks erupt when our lips connected in a small but gentle kiss that held passion to show he cared.

He the pulls back and smiles. " I'm looking forward to seeing you again very soon." He says.

" Same here." I say. I then look towards where my house is. " I better get going before they come looking for me."

He nods and plants a kiss on my forehead before turning and running into the woods.

However knowing him. He didn't go far.

I then run towards my house and head on inside to spend time with my family before finally getting to spend more time with my wonderful mate.

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