A Magical Sci-Fi Machine

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You should listen to this while reading the chapter: https://youtu.be/jUTQarYXSSo

I wake up in a bunk bed, hearing Phantom of the Opera. Lil, already awake, probably told the guy that I have a musical obsession (sound like anyone you might know? Maybe, umm, the Phantom of the Opera?) I crawl out of the bunk bed I'm in, wondering how I got into these pajamas. I walked to a umm.... thing... in the middle of the building. Lil and the guy was there.

"Oh! Finally! Your awake!" The guy said, "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the Doctor? Whats your name, your full name?"

My eyes widen. "Skyler Ava Scarlett James." I say, the guy creeping me out. He has a weird look on his face. "Skyler, then." He turns away and does something with the machine in the middle. By this time, Phantom of the Opera ended and Music of the Night started. I walk over to Lil.

"What's going on?" I ask her, "Where are we, whose that 'Doctor', and how did I get in these PJs? I need answers!"

She shrugs and leans in. "He told me this is a time machine, but I highly doubt it." I shug this time. I'm a dreamer, and I can imagine the impossible. I once saw my old science teacher turn into and 8 foot tall green thing. I turned him in. I couldn't take his gas. Maybe this Doctor weirdo wasn't lying to Lil. But thats creepy that he put both of us in PJs. Stalker alert. Oh, and to mention, HE KIDNAPPED US!

I walk back over to the guy, and ask him one simple question: "Why are you doing this?" He looks at me, his hazel eyes meeting my green ones. He shoots me a 'You'll see later' look. I roll my eyes. "Did you seriously change the clothes of two 13 year old girls?"

He sucks in his lips. "I did it with my eyes closed. Your shirts on backwards." he says.

Lily and I both give him some gigantic slaps. "Next question." I say, grabbing onto his suspenders so he can't run. Lily asks the question. "Why did you kidnap us?" He smiles. "Because you two are special." Lily makes a run for the door, with me following by a few seconds. Locked. Great.


We stayed at that place for a week, the Doctor buying the food and shampoo. We learned to trust him, other than a strange call from Marilyn Monroe. A week after that we thought he was part of a 1950s role play. We started to be nice to him, only slapping him if necessary. After that month was over, he brought us back to the waterfall, at the exact second that we left. He explained the timey-wimey stuff. I believe him, and so does Lily. He told us that he would come if needed. Then, we walked home, silent, hands in pockets.

We went to school for the rest of the year. I passed quizzes and tests, Lily got noticed by boys, we met after school to talk about the Doctor with the box. We longed for him to return. Sometimes we sing songs that COULD be for him, if we made it, mostly songs from Les Mis. We sang, Fantine's death, Valjean's death, One Day More (think about it, people! 'Tomorrow you'll be worlds away, and yet with you my world has started' 'One day more all on my own- will we ever meet again?-One more day with him not caring-I was born to be with you-What a life I might have known-and I swear I will be true- but he never saw me there), and On My Own. We missed him and needed him. All the adventures, him bringing us back to life, from our dull lives before. He was more interesting then we would ever be.

Then the French project started, and he came back.

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