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Elsa's pov

Something was up with anna. I knew for about a year she wasn't the same. So here i am at her door about to knock.

This is what she did to me when i was in my room all day. She would knock.

I missed so much of her life just because of my powers.

Yes i have powers, tooth and anna are the only ones that know. I don't use it very often unless I'm on a private mission by myself. I can't control it.

Anyway i knocked on her door and she opened almost instantly.

"What do you need Elsa?"

"I need to talk can i come in?"

"Yea whatever."

She went and sat on her bed and i followed after i closed the door.

"Anna before you say anything. I know that lately you haven't been yourself. Is it the fame? Paparazzi? Merida? Rapunzel? Is it me?"

She burst into tears.

"No elsa. I hate being a spy. K? There i said it."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because if i told you and you told tooth then she would tell the agency and you all woyld lose your jobs."

"Anna can i tell you something?"

She nodded.

"Ok well to be honest i need a break to. I don't want to be a spy and the other girls agreed. We planned to quit after we found the boys."

"What. Really?"

I left the room and went to finish packing.

After a while i was done and started falling asleep.

I woke up in the morning to tooth literally blowing a air hown in ma face.

I screamed and fell outa bed.

I got dressed in black leather pants and coat. I braided my hair and did a smidge of make-up. I ran out to the car where everyone else was and we left.

Off the grid

For two months

I wonder how all the guys will take it

Speaking of which i got three text messages from jack.
I pull out my phone to read.

From jack

Hey i was wondering if you would like to go to the movies?

From jack

Are you watching supernatural? Because when you do you turn off your phone.

From jack

I will take that as a no....

To jack

Hey sorry i never texted back! I was busy....sleeping. Anyway i would love to go with you but i can't. I am leaving for two months. Don't ask where. Love ya!

From jack

Ok elsa. See ya then

Awww now i felt bad.

"Who ya texting?"

I jumped. Ariel was here! Wait why was she here? She is in charge of all the water missions and equipment and technology.

Busy beaver i know.

"What are you doing here?" i hugged her.

"I'm here to help."

"I aksed her to come because the aggency needed five agents."tooth said from the drivers seat.

"Oh ok."

I looked behind her to see Rapunzel, anna, and merida passez out.

So i sat back in my chair and played on my phone.

We got to the airport and grabbed our stuff. After i had to jump on mer and anna. Rapunzel already had woken up.

We get on the private jet and get seated.

Oh my gosh these things are so comfortable.

I fell quick asleep and dreamed about jack. But it was a nightmare.

I was running. I was wearing a wedding dress but it was torn up and it had blood stains. My make-up was runny and my hair a mess but i didn't care. I neex to run. I don't know why but i do. It was a dark building, looked sorta like a haunted asylum. I ran into one of the rooms and jack was sitting there. Gun to his head. Crying. He was wearing a torn up tuxedo.

Memories came back.

He was dangerous my mind said.

I don't know why but he is my mind said.

"Jack? Jack? Jack why? Why did you have to be this person?"

"I'm sorry elsa i didn't chose it. It left me no choice."

"What left you no choice?"


"Your boss?"

"Yes he is controlling me. I can't do this anymore. I will just hurt you. And myself."

"Jack no. Please!"

"I'm sorry." He tightned his grip on the trigger.

"Jack no! I love you!"

He dropped the gun and stood up.

"I'm free."

"NOT ANYMORE!" someone grabbed me from behind and put a rag on my mouth with some sort of gas. I was knocked out instantly. The last thing i saw was jack, and my wedding ring....

Jacks pov.

"Hahaha we got a good loot tonight boys." Kristoff said.

I felt bad sorta. Honestly yea. We all did. We had met the loves of our lives and they don't know what we do.

"We are leaving tomorrow morning for that archive."Hiccup said.

"Then we are done and we can be free from these chains. And we won't have to lie anymore."i said.

"Let's just hope those sassy 'seasons' from the aggency aren't there." Flynn said.

"Yea those girls are a pain in the butt." Kris said.

"Let's have some fun with them."i said. They all looked at me in confusion.

"If they are there waiting for us to attack then why don't we trick them and capture them. I want to freak them out and see who they are."i finished.

"Good idea."Hic said.

"Let's do it!"Kris said.

And that was going to happen. I was going to see who these girls are.


I really hope you guys are enjoying my story and i am writing another one right now so go check it out! It's a sad romance with alot of drama.

Don't forget to....




And be yourself

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