Be In Spazzy

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Be Featured In Spazzy

Send us some shout outs, greetings, advertisements, your embarrassing stories, your confessions, your problems and tell us what you think about our magazine by emailing us at or sending directly to our columnists by private messaging their account.


Send this form to us and we shall get back to you once we read it.






Message: (Please include the title if it is a story, a contest or a poem.)

Thank you for reading our debut issue, we hope you liked it!

NOTE: Everyone is getting confused about Spazzily Embarrassing and Fess Up so let me clear it with you oce and for all. Spazzily Embarrassing is most likely your embarrassing moments that gave you humiliation in front of a crowd or one person while Fess Up is your confessions like if you broke your brother's CD case and you haven't told him yet, it's time for you to say sorry. Fess Up column is all about sorries so I hope it's clear with you now.

Spazzy Magazine June 2013Where stories live. Discover now