25 Days of Fun

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Summer is starting and everyone is excited with it. I bet everyone is getting ready for this awesome three-month break from school. Yes, I know it's EXSPAZZYCITING; the feeling is mutual whenever summer starts here in our country. So, what are you gonna do today?

If you prepared for this season, then there you go and do what you have with your schedule because this is basically a guide for those who have an empty schedule. What Sapphire said (much like typed) earlier ago is that "An empty schedule can be more exciting than what it seems" and that's basically what I'm going to prove to you.

Think about it, if you have a fully planned schedule, you have to stick with it or else your summer will be kind of a bummer for you but for those who have no schedules, they can do whatever they want. As Phineas and Ferb said "Summer doesn't last forever" so let's start the fun.

As I've said, this is a guide so I'll stick with numbers. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the FUN!

I present to you, 25 Days of FUN!!!!

THE TWIST: We challenge you to do these things this summer 2013 for a month. When 25 days ended, comment how many you got done. You can do it randomly and not according by day because this is not a schedule.

Day 1: Make at least one new friend.

This is a must on your first day of vacay. Someone whom you'll talk to throughout the summer especially when you're new to the town, maybe someone to talk to for the rest of the year?

Day 2: Keep a secret.

Up for this challenge? See if you can keep a friend's or your own secret without spilling it out to somebody in 100 days. Well, you have new friends.

Day 3: Go roller-skating.

Can you do this? Try roller-skating for the day down the street to the mall or park. It's really fun and spazzy.

Day 4: Hack up an old pair of jeans into shorts.

Never done this before but you should definitely try. You don't need to buy shorts anymore if you can do this and besides, it doesn't waste that much of money.

Day 5: Go for a bike-ride with your best friend.

This is really fun. You can see different places by having a bike-ride. Do this with your best friend while talking, eating or drinking something; that's the challenge and comment your experience below and let's talk about it.

Day 6: Start a journal.

It's Day 6 and if you have done at lest one thing from the past five challenges, you should do this to record your adventure. Don't mind it if someone have mistaken it for a diary and you're a guy, read Diary of a Wimpy Kid fellas!

Day 7: Go to the beach and build a sand castle.

I don't know how to do this even though I grew up near the beaches of our place but maybe you do and you can. 

Day 8: Take lots of photos with you and your friends.

Enjoy the view and make memories with uyour friends through the camera. That's why they invented the camera, to take pictures.

Day 9: Explore a new area even if it's just inside your neighborhood.

Looking for a hiding place? Maybe you could look today. That place could be you and your friends' own place for things you do like play instruments if you have a band.

Day 10: Try wall-climbing.

I don't know where and I don't know how but I know that it's PURE SPAZZYFUN. Think you can do that challenge? Reach the top of it, maybe?

Day 11: Have a picnic under a tree.

Calm, fresh air hitting your face is good. Try having a picnic there with your family and don't forget to take pictures!

Day 12: Learn some words in another language.

Say words in another language like Hangul (Korean), Nihonggo (Japanese), Francais (Francais), Dutch (German) and etc. It's alien language for those who doesn't understand and that's cool.

Day 13: Try riding a roller coaster with those loops that turn upside-down.

Ooh not a really good challenge but really SPAZZY! Get those fear nerves off and ride that roller coaster because surely, this is really fun yet fearsome.

Day 14: Go swimming.

Can I forget this thing? Of course not! It's hot in the summer and all I want to do is sleep on my room with the aircon on full blow but aside from that, I want to go swimming too! (even though I don''t know how)

Day 15: Get shopping.

Day 15 is the rest day for the adventures. Just go shopping and choose some clothes and  course, have fun with your friends.

Day 16: Buy a hula-hoop and start using it.

It's fun to learn new things so why not learn how to use a hula-hoop? I know it's mentally easy and physically hard to keep it moving, but why not?

Day 17: Go star-gazing.

I can't make sure it's a stary night on Day 17 but as I've said earlier, do this radomnly. If it's a starry night tonight, why not see the stars? it's hard to see stars nowadays because of the think smog.

Day 18: Visit your city's own tourist attractions.

Let's be proud of our city and see those beautiful sights. May it be natural or man-made, it's really SPAZZYMAZING!

Day 19: Play paintball.

I personally find paintball a cool thing to do (I don't know what you think about it) and so, let's try playing paintball, maybe it's nice.

Day 20: Take your dog for a walk.

Wouldn't it be nice to spend sometime with your pet? If you don't have a dog, them borrow someone else's.

Day 21: Buy a stack of old magazines from a second hand bookstore and read them in the sun.

It's fun to read about different things and reading is learning so why not read?

Day 22: Buy an inflatable paddling pool.

It seems late for the month but never for summer. You still have more than two months before Fall so lie in your inflatable pool (of course, with water) and take pictures of yourself.

Day 23: Get a deluxe spa pedicure.

Ooh...very luxurious. Just kidding! Well if you want to pay that much for a pedicure, why not try this? Maybe you'll get more appropriate colors.

Day 24: Lie in your bed with windows open and a really good music playing loudly.

Never mind the heat, you're about to finish your June summer adventure so today is declared rest day by me. Relax now.

Day 25: Start believing that you can truly have whatever you want.

Not really the spoiled level but believe that your not a boring, loner and freakish person from school because you're out of school now, it's summer and start gaining confidence so you won't be laughed at everytime you made a mistake.

That was more like a schedule, I know but I hope you enjoyed our little month's bonus  for Teen Talk section.

Spazzy Magazine June 2013Where stories live. Discover now