Spazzily Embarrassing

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S P A Z Z I L Y     E M B A R R A S S I N G

Rolling on the floor, tearing up with extreme case of disordered mind causing laughter…. Not Good. But that’s what happens, when you associate two words. Alone, they are quite different from each other and one may be a good thing while the other, is imposed disgusting. But together, they are a laughing gas, one takes time to put off.

Not very unpredictable, maybe even cliché? A Sweetie Pie here on Wattpad, has faced them together. Not necessarily what she deserved, but Gosh! It’s gonna put a good show here.

I’m frustrating, aren’t I? I know you’re screaming, Get on with what these two words are already! Nuh-uh! That’s not me!

Which of course, leads us to... Who am I? I’m this completely awesome and equally frustrating person- Vilopoetess. Yep! This is not the last time you’ll see me out here. I think… Anyway… Get back to the embarrassing moment?

A hot pink cute short top. Hottest blue strapped heels in town. Designer jeans paired with glossy hair and the perfect makeup. All this together, can still not cover a loud smelly fart from a girl on her first date. Yep! Still wanna read this? Good choice, Girl (Or are you a guy?) If not, you’re loss. Cuz as sad as this may be, it does have that overly comic side.

The Perfect Date

She looked in the mirror. Pretty and perfect. Just right for Jason, her crush, for who knows how long. Her life was a cliché, normal teens. And today was that day, where the girl goes on her first date. But little did she know what awaited her…

“Jason was so exciting!  A motorbike! That was just ….Yayy! It was one of those fast racer thingy’s too! “, she thought… It was all going well. They were chatting, quite comfortably, too! He was taking her to one of the cutest café hangouts in town- just the perfect place for her! *giggles*

And all was well. She had just ordered her perfect salad with her perfect diet soda on her perfect date with her perfect guy. Perfect, perfect, perfect… Then she perfectly got up, looking at those perfectly cute cucumbers and realizing how perfectly they matched Jason’s perfect eyes! And then she perfectly walked towards the restroom, and looked at the perfect image of her’s, and perfectly walked back to her table and perfectly farted- WHAT? And that’s where the perfect went *BOOM*

Too bad, so sad.

It was loud. And stinky. The stinky came on high levels of the highest. And the noise… Nobody wants to go there. Let’s just say… An elephants trumpet and that fart weren’t that different. It was rare, but it happened. And that was the end of Jason. Of course, tears and all, she was still a teen, and it was just a matter of time before she moved on! A graduate now, she laughs at the memory. And she definitely hoped, you did too!

Spazzy Magazine June 2013Where stories live. Discover now