Chapter 13: The truth

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"So, who are you going to the party with?" Mina asked me plopping down at my bed, eating a bar of Snickers.

I look at her with a duh look and answer. "Um Mark. Why?"

"Just asking." she said looking around ignoring my stare.

"Do you have a date?" I asked her suspiciously.

"Um-" she paused thinking about it. "I don't rally know. I- Lee asked me if I had a date and I answered no. So, he suggested we go together."

"Oh my Gosh! Why didn't you tell me? That's great!" I exclaimed loudly. She was smiling like a fool two days now. I guess I know why now.

Mina and I have a study night tonight. Tomorrow we will go to the mall, for shopping and then is Georgia's party. Georgia throws the best parties in my school. Her parents own a mansion and her boyfriend is a popular DJ. She invited both me and Mark, but no Mina and I was planning to get her a blind date, but now Lee has already taken her.

Moving on to another suspicious things. Allison changed her hair color to dirty blonde kinda like mine. I swear she's up to something and also I know she has a thing for Scott. Maybe she's trying to be more like me to make him like her more or something. Sometimes I really wish I never met her, but she has been there for me other times. But that doesn't change the fact that she kissed my former and present boyfriend.

After Mina left and I was done with homework I decided for the promise I made with Mark. Talk to my parents and let them know the truth.

Truth be told, I wasn't afraid of telling them about our releationship- I was more afraid how he would react. I remember he was words like it was yesterday.

"Stay away from him. He is a sly little bastard." his words echoed in my mind.

He was without a doubt going to be against us. But what can I say? He is an overprotective older brother. He always was, he always will be. At least I know I can explain to him how different Mark was.

I took a deep breath and went downstairs. Mom was washing the dishes and Dad was watching TV with Dan. Rob was currently in college.

"Danny." I said and he turned his head to look at me. "Can you please go upstairs?" I asked and he nodded, kissing me goodbye on the cheek and running upstairs before yelling good night.

"I wanted to talked to you. Both of you. Um- I am going to get mom, just stay here."I said to dad and left for the kitchen.

"Mom are you done? I wanted to talk to you and dad." I said watching her finishing the dishes.

"Yes. Just a second honey." She said putting her hand in front of her mouth to prevent a yawn. I loved how much she cared for us and would always here us out even if she was exhausted.

"If you are tired then go to sleep. We can always talk another day." I said crossing my hands in front of my chest.

"No, sweetheart. It's fine." she said smiling reassuringly at me. "I know that this is something that can't wait and is very important."

"How-" I started but was immediately cut off.

"Mother instict." she said and grinned. "Or deja vu, maybe. This has happened before with Rob."

"I am offended." I said playfully. "You know me and Rob are way different."

"I know. But, I also know that deep down you are exactly the same." she wishpered the last part but I heard it anyway.

"Let's go." I said and followed her to the living room.

Ready. Set. Go.

"Okay. Where do I start?" I began. "Um- I was as you already know in a releationship with Scott. Yes, was. We broke up. Actually let me rephrase that. We never had a releationship. After Chris died guys hitted on me and I asked Scott to become my boyfriend so that no one would ever hit on me. But then I met this guy Mark. I don't know if you remember him. We had a science project together. I actually volunteered to do this project with him because I liked him. Anyway a few days ago, we became official and yeah I think that's it." I said feeling relieved in a way. It actually was more quick than I thought. What? Three minutes?

"Honey, why didn't you tell us?" mom asked worriedly.

"It's not a big deal. And I know you guys have a lot to do. So don't worry about it so much. I just wanted to be honest with you. It feels real good."

"Is he at least a nice guy?" dad asked.

"Yes he is. He treats me very well. But there is this problem. Mark has a friend who Rob doesn't like. And that's why he also doesn't like Mark too."

"So, you are telling us not to say anything to your brother?" mom asked.

"I will tell him myself when I'm ready. Any more questions?" I asked raising up.

"No. But, Lauren please, talk to us and let us know if anything happens." dad said.

"Of course dad." I said walking up to him and embracing him.

"But we would like to meet him too." mom spoke and I nodded my head.

"I'll make sure that happens." I said running upstairs, closing my door and calling Mark.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey! Guess what?" I asked excited.

"No way! You told them?" he asked surpised.

"Yeah I did. But they want to meet you."

"Are you sure? I mean-" I cut him off.

"As sure as ever. Did you tell them?" now it was my turn to ask.

"Yup, and they applied with the same answer."

"Really? They want to meet me? How so?"

"That was three questions." he said chuckling. "Yeah well your the first girl I talked to them about."

I flushed red and I actually felt so proud inside, but I don't know why. "I'm honored, sir. We'll talk about this tomorrow. I want to sleep now." I said and held back a yawn.

"Sleep well, Janet." he wishpered.

"You too Mr. Cellophane."I wishpered back and hung up.

The Badass and The Smartass(Opposite Attractions Series #1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now