Interview by Zeus daughter

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Hello! This chapter is a little get -to know -me- better thing. I decided to interview Mrs. Zeus_daughter_

And she interviewed me too. I have to say she's amazing. Go follow her. She's awesome!

Enjoy my interview!

1.What's your name?

My name is Claire.

2.How old are you?

I am 15 years old.

3.What's your favourite song?

My favourite song has to be No light No light or Specrtum by Florence and the machine.

4.What's your biggest fear?

I am very afraid of dying or losing a loved person. It's called athazagoraphobia. I know it's kinda stupid but anyway I am afraid of most animals too.

5. If you were a demigod, who would have been your Godly parent?

Oh freak! That's so hard! I think it would have to be Poseidon because I love the sea.

6. What's your favorite book?

That's tough too! I suppose Easy by Tammara Webber and Under the Dome by Stephen King.

7. Describe yourself in two wordsGreek and proud! (Yes I'm from Greece)

8. What's your favorite constellation?

I'm not sure but I would go with Virgo.

9. Who's your favorite superhero?

The green lantern without a doubt.

10. What's your favorite thing?

Thing? I like magazines...

11. Name your fatal flaw.

I don't believe in myself and that I don't and can't trust my mother.

12. Describe your style in 3 adjectives.

Woke up like this. No! That's four words haha. Um seriously I think vintage,classic and neutral.

13. What's your favorite food?

Moussaka. It's a Greek food you HAVE TO try. It's delicious!

14. Do you have siblings? How many?

I have two other siblings. A brother and a sister who are younger than me.

15. Do you know how to fight?

Yeah, my brother does tae-kwon-do lessons and taught me how to fight but I have pretty fast reflections.

16. Do you like crimes?

No I am a more romantic person, but actually it depends on my mood. Like if I am too mad I will definitely read a crime book.

17. Who is your fictional crush?

Um it has to be Patch Cipriano from the Hush Hush Saga.

18. Do you have a pet? If yes, what?

I have a dog. Her name is Ruby.

19. Worst thing that ever happened to you.

I got my first period, while at school. It was very embarrasing!

20. What are you good at?

I am very good at English and generally learning new languages.

21. Tell me something strange about you!

I am a very weird person. I am very happy the first day of my period and the last day I 'm kind of depressed.

22. Favorite quote!

The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool. -Stephen King-

And that's it! Thank you so much Vic for everything!

The Badass and The Smartass(Opposite Attractions Series #1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now