Chapter 14: Talking to the brother

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"So are you coming over today? For dinner?" Mark asked me.

"Sure. I think so. I mean it would be great." I grinned at him looking straight at his adorable face.

"Okay. How about seven?"

"Sounds great. But I don't know where you live." I added.

"Right." He said making a face. "I'll come pick you up." he smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"Okay." I said and walked into class.

This whole releationship is very fast, but I like it. Rumors spread very quick here, as well and almost everyone knows I have a releationship with Mark. We don't try to hide it, although we don't show it much either. Moving on to Lee. I had talked to him at the party and now I see him talking to Mark sometimes. He and Mina aren't official, but I guess he will finally ask her to be his girlfriend. Scott has found another girl and she is called Carly. She seems nice, though we don't talk so much because she goes to another school. And last but not least Allison. She is left with two girls who don't like me at all. She pretty much hates me too.

This Friday a huge party takes place in Georgia's place. She has her birthday and I can't wait to go. Both me and Mark are going. Actually we are all going with our dates and we hope to have a good time. I also hope to have a good time with Mark's parents tonight. I really don't know how they are, because he barely speaks about them. He mostly talks about his sister, Isabelle.

After Mrs. Dawson dismisses us, I ran to my locker to get my stuff. Mum and dad are going to pick up Rob from college. So, I have to go get Danny from school.

Without saying goodbye to anyone I rush to his school. When I get there I see him waiting next to a girl, who is crying. I immediatelly run to them.

"What happened here?" I asked them inspecting the girl to find any bruises or at least a clue.

"She lost her doll and can't find it." Danny answered for her.

"Oh. Let's go find it then. Were did you last see it?"

"It was-" sob "in my bag." another sob "It's not there-" sniffle "anymore."

"Okay maybe you forgot it inside the classroom. Wanna go in and check?"

She nodded her and I grabbed one of each's hand. We walked in and then found their classroom in search for the Barbie doll.

"I found it. It's here." Danny shouted behind a desk.

"Yay!" I cheered in glee. Phew. "It must have fell from your bag."

"Yes. Thank you so much Danny-bear." she said and kissed his cheek. Dan turned a dark shade of red and tilted his head down.

Owwwww that's so cute!

"Thank you!" she squaled and hugged me, well my feet.

"It's a pleasure, miss." I said and smiled down at her.

I swear she reminds of something but I don't know what. Her dark brown hair were braided back and her piercing hazel eyes made her look stunning.

"I have to go. See you later Danny-bear." she said and run away, while Dan mumbled a "Don't call me that."

"Let's go mister. Rob is waiting and we have to go see him." I said and we left school.


We arrived at home and headed to the bathroom to wash our hands. Mum had made steak and it smelled delicious.

"Hello guys!" Rob shouted.

"Hey Robbie!" I shouted back hugging the life out of him.

"Woah! I missed you too, sis." he said hugging me back.

"I'M HERE TOO!" Danny screamed earning a bunch of giggles from us.

"What's my big man doin'?" Rob asked.

"Fine." he said shrugging.

"Okay let's go eat, I'm starving." I said.

We ate in silence and I was thinking how I would say to Rob about my releationship with Mark.

Oh come on Lauren! Man up and face your problems. It's easy. You can do this.

"Um Rob I want to talk to you when you finish." I said and looked at him.

"Sure." he answered.

Then he got up from his seat and I followed him to his bedroom. He opened the door and we steped in. I scaned the whole place. It was mostly empty, but still it reminded me of my brother.

"I know you are dating Mark Wyler." he silently said.

"What?" Did he really know? How can-

"I'm not stupid Lauren. You think I don't know? I hate this guy and his friends, so I keep them close. I know what they do. I recently learnt that my little sister is dating a guy. When I asked who I also learnt his name is Mark Wyler." he said looking at me disappointed.

"Don't look at me like that. Mark is a nice guy. You don't truly know him." I hissed.

"Hey! I don't speak at you like that. And I remember telliong you to stay away from him. It's not him I don't like. It's his friend Mike. Do you know what he does, Lauren?" I shook my head no. "He is a drug dealer. Not a big one, but still. He isn't nice. He is dangerous. Mark is around him a lot and I don't want you to be too."

"So you are saying that I can be with Marka, but avoid Mike?"

"Kind of. Look. I don't want to play the part of the overprotective older brother. I want you to be happy and if Mark makes you happy then be with him. Just so you know, Mike is the one who had beaten up Christian a few years ago." I gasped.

Oh sweet Lord.

I shivered thinking about the memory. Thinking about in how bad situation Christian was. He had a broken rib and other parts were bad damaged. Mina had been crying for days and all the others were worried sick about him. Everyone, including the doctors, thought he wouldn't make it. Thank God he did. I never thought Mike did something like that.

"Look, Lauren." Rob said bringing me back to reality. "I don't trust them. All of them. They haven't shown me a reason to trust them and respect them. I guess Mark is way better than Mike, but still they hang out so Mike is around you.I am saying it again. Stay away from Mike and his buddies." he said getting serious as mum gets when we hide the Nutella.

"Okay. I promise." I said helding out my pinkie. He entwined his pinky with mine and smiled widely.

"That's my girl!" He said and hugged me tightly.

God my mum is so right.

Me and my brother look exactly like each other.


Next chapter Lauren meets parents!!!!!!!!

The Badass and The Smartass(Opposite Attractions Series #1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now