The Stomach Flu (Medic x Reader)

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I woke up that morning to an empty bed and the horrible sound of gagging coming from the bathroom. I walked cautiously to the door and listened.

"Ugh.....Mein gott....." my german husband grumbled quietly. I knocked gently on the door.

"Josef? Are you alright?" I asked.

There was a long pause before he answered.

"J-Ja...all is well, liebe" he said.

But as soon as the words left his mouth, he gagged again. I cringed, then took a deep breath. I opened the door slowly and peeked in.
He was slouched against the tub, just in front of the toilet.

I sighed and clicked my tounge.

"Josef, you are not well. You need medicine and rest. How long have you been in here anyway?" I asked.
The medic looked up at me and frowned.

"Since...about maybe...3am?" he responded.

My eyes widened.

"Josef Heilburger! You didn't even bother to go get some nausea medicine?!" I scolded.

"What am I, a doctor?" he said dryly.

I shook my head and managed a small smile.

What an idiot

"Well yes actually. But today, looks like I'm the Medic around here!" I exclaimed, taking his glasses off the counter and putting them on, then standing as he always did before battle.

"Prepare for your examination!" I said, mimicking his taunt.

He laughed.

"But you're a sniper, (y/n)...." he stated, still smiling.

I stuck my tongue out at him and took off his glasses.

"And YOU'RE no fun..." I grumbled, leaving the room in search of some nausea meds.
"Haha! Headshot!!" I exclamed when I finally found some. I grabbed the bottle and some water and went back to our room.

He took the meds and drank the water, and was able to leave the bathroom in no time.
He sat on the edge of our bed as I got him something cleaner and more comfortable to wear. I settled on his soft red t-shirt with his medical cross on the front, and red and silver shorts. I then helped him get comfy in bed and gave him his phone, telling him to text me if he needed anything. He looked up at me.

"But vhere vill you be?" he asked.

I smiled.

"Practicing medicine" I said, once again imitating him.

He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. He knew I had enough knowledge about the medical field to be him while he recovered, so he sent me on my way.
Demo came in twice, Pyro once, Scout came in about 7 times, and Sniper came in once.

Nothing I couldn't handle.

And when I was done for the day, I locked up the medical wing and went to check on Med...Um, Josef. I still wasn't used to calling him that.
When I returned to our room, he was sleeping. I smiled and quietly shut the door behind me. I sat on the edge of the bed and ran my fingers through his hair (he always loved it when I would do that)

"Danke shoen, mein liebe...." he whispered sleepily. (Thank you, my love)

"Mhmm...." I hummed in response.

When he went back to sleep, I kissed his forehead and laid my head on his chest.

Then I drifted off, tired from being him for a day. I still don't know how he does it.

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