All Mine (Medic x Reader)

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(Requested by KoisukiAnata. Enjoy my dears!)

Today was a particularly hot day at the base. So hot, in fact, that Medic had forced us to carry water with us as we fought so that we would stay hydrated. He said he didn't want everyone coming to him later with head and stomach aches.
I sighed and took a moment to admire him from afar. Nobody knew this (with the exception of my best friend Pyro) but Medic and I were actually a couple. We hadn't told them yet because we didn't feel like hearing all the fuss it would bring among our teammates.

I was so deep in thought, I didn't hear the enemy Spy uncloaking behind me. Suddenly I heard a surprised scream, and turned around to see Medic stabbing the Spy over and over with his bone saw.


I stood and stared as he did this. When he was satisfied, he stood up and faced me. He grabbed my hips and yanked me up and forward, smashing his mouth against mine.

"Please pay more attention, liebe. Alright?" he said, his gaze softening as his eyes bore into mine and he put his forehead against mine.

Suddenly, the announcer came on over the speakers.

"You have failed. All your friends are dead."

Medic groaned and shook his head.

"Anyone still alive has let me down!" he said, putting me down.
He took my hand and we walked back into the base.

Everyone came up slowly from respawn, tired and irritated from our defeat.

It didn't take long for fights to start since everyone was already agitated. Medic and I tried to snuggle up on the couch and watch tv but we couldn't even hear it. With a huff, I stood up and stomped over to the fighting boys.

"Guys c'mon, I can't even hear the tv!" I said.

Scout glared at me. "Just shut the hell up (y/n)!! All you ever do is complain! Why does the only chick on this team have to be such a whiney bitch!?" he yelled.

He brought his hand up and was about to slap me when Medic stepped between us. Being as tall as he was, Scout's hand hit Medic's chest instead. Medic grabbed Scout by the shirt collar and lifted him to eye-level.

"You are not to touch her, am I understood? Should such thing happen again, you vill be finding yourself in a puddle of your own blood..." he said, voice growing deeper and darker with each word.

Scout gulped and nodded. Medic dropped him and he landed hard on his ass against the concrete floor. Then Medic picked me up and walked to his room, leaving everyone staring after us in shock and fear.

"Come, (y/n). Ve shall retire for ze evening."

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