Breathe Me (Engineer x Depressed!Reader)

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(This story is based on the song Breathe Me by Sia. If you've never heard it, I suggest you look it up cause it's amazing! Ok enough of that, on with the fic!!)


That's how she felt. She was just so sick of everything.

Tears dripped down her cheeks as she grabbed her pocket knife and flipped it open, adding a few more bloody cuts among all her scars.

She was suddenly startled by a knock at her door, and dropped the knife. Blood smeared and dripped onto the floor. She muttered a quiet curse and pulled her sleeves back down.

"Yeah?" she asked, only opening her door a crack.

"You alright? I heard crying." the country tech expert asked with concern.

'Damn these thin walls....' she thought bitterly.

"Um yeah.....yeah I'm good. Just a little home sick, that's all..." she lied, wiping her face. He looked at her skeptically and, without warning, yanked the door open.

His eyes widened behind his goggles as he noticed the knife and the large amount of blood. When he looked back at her, he saw more blood running down her hands. He lifted her sleeve slowly, shocked that she didn't protest.

"Oh my god..." he whispered in disbelief.

She only stood there, hanging her head in silent embarrassment.

"Why...why would you do this to yourself darlin'?" he whispered, trying his best to look her in the eyes.

When she wouldn't answer, he wrapped his arms around her small frame and held her close. He took a deep breath, and whispered in her ear.

"Its ok. Its all ok now, I'm here for you honey. Even if you think there's no one else who cares...I do. I'll be your friend, (y/n).....I'll help you. Just please...stop hurting yourself. If you ever feel like you need to vent...or if you even just need a hug, I'm right next door."

She had never needed help like this before; she was usually so independent. But at the moment, she felt so weak.....

But she was ok with the feeling for once.

Here, in the arms of her only friend, she was content. She smiled weakly and reached up to kiss his cheek.

"Dell....thank you"

(Sorry guys, I'll work on requests when I can but that song inspired me and I just HAD to write! Requests will be out soon though, promise. Bye lovelies!)

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