Speechless (Shy!Spy x Reader)

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(Requested by Duncan_the_sniper)

Spy was well-known around the base for being a skilled ladies man. So then, why did she make him so nervous?

(Y/n).....every time he heard it, his head would spin.

But what could he do? He was usually so calm and cool around girls but....you were a whole other story and he just couldn't figure out why.

(Your POV)

I sighed and loaded my (weapon) as I waited for battle to start. The intercom came on suddenly.

"Mission begins in 20 seconds!"

Medic stood behind Heavy, readying his medigun, Sniper checked his scope, Engi held his toolbox and tapped his fingers against the metal....

But I only noticed Spy, who was loading his revolver and lighting a cigarette. True, I liked the sneaky frenchman, but he never even talked to me! How was I supposed to tell him?


We raced off into battle.


(Spy POV)

I cloaked myself and followed after her in battle, picking off anyone who intended to harm her without her noticing.

Our victory was soon announced and she sighed with content.

"Easy day today. Nobody even came after me!" she laughed.
I chuckled softly and watched her walk back inside.

If only she knew.

(Your POV)

I walked back into the base, humming a few lines of (song) quietly to myself. When I was done showering and changing, I went back to my room and found a neatly folded note on my bed.

In neat cursive, it read,

'(Y/n), please come to the rec area of the base when you get this. I wish to speak privately with you.


I set the note back on my bed and pulled my hair back. Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I left my room and went downstairs to the rec area. I wondered what Spy wanted from me. I mean, he hardly knew me.

My thoughts were cut short when I arrived to the rec area.

(Author-chan's POV)

Spy was leaning against the opposite wall, waiting for his beloved. When he looked up and saw her, he completely forgot what he had planned to say.

"So...what did you want Spy?" she asked, standing awkwardly a few feet away.

He was shaking now, finding it hard to force a voice up out of his throat.

'Come on man! Do it! Do it now or you may never get to!!' Spy yelled at himself in his mind.

He stood a bit straighter, a newfound adrenaline coarsing through him. But he knew he must admit his love quickly or it would leave him.

"(Y-Y/n), mon amour.....I-I'm in love with you! I have been since you joined ze team and I didn't tell you because everyone on both teams seems to hate me and I figured you did too....so I kept my distance...."

Her eyes grew wide, a small sound of shock passed her lips.

She sprang forward suddenly and threw her arms around his neck. His cigarette fell from his mouth from the sudden impact. She held him tightly and he eventually wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I don't hate you at all, Spy. In fact, my opinion of you is quite the opposite. I am actually very fond of you and I have felt the same for some time now..." she admits.

He smiles, light pink appearing under his mask.

She kissed him then, the sweet taste of her lips mixing with his nicotine flavored ones. Eventually she pulled away, smiling at him with that beautiful smile he'd fallen for.

That was the only kiss he ever had that left him utterly


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