The Doctor's Crush (Shy!Medic x Soldier!Reader)

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(Requested, once again, by Duncan_the_sniper, who actually gives pretty good suggestions by the way)

It was a quiet day at the BLU base. During the day on ceasefire days, we mostly keep to ourselves and tend to our own business.

This, of course, meant training for me. Our main soldier was in charge of that.

"FASTER, MAGGOT! C'MON, PUSH YOURSELF YOU WEAKLING!!" he screamed at me through a megaphone as I ran my laps around the gymnasium.

When I was finally done, he put his megaphone away.

"Good job, Soldier. Get showered and be at that dinner table in an hour!" he yelled.

Then we saluted each other and went our separate ways.
I headed to my room to get showered and changed before dinner. Besides our female scout, I was the only one with a personal shower since I was a girl and clearly couldn't use the regular showers. It was nice having my own little bathroom, even if everything was all smushed together from lack of space.

After my shower, I changed into a BLU t-shirt and some (f/c) shorts. I pulled my damp hair into a high ponytail (if your hair is too short for that, then you just left it down), and left my room to go grab some dinner.

Engie and Pyro had made (fav meal) that night, and after a harsh day of training, it looked SO good! My mouth watered as I sat down and was served. It was then that I noticed Medic wasn't there. I nudged Engie, who was sitting next to me.

"Hey, where's Medic?" I asked.

He looked at me and shrugged.

"Came in earlier and said he was gonna skip supper tonight. Said he had somethin' real important to work on." he replied.

"Well....I could take him some dinner when I'm done" I offered. Engie smiled.

"That'd be mighty nice of ya" he said, turning back to his plate.

I carried the plate of food to the metal double doors and knocked gently.

Ever since I joined the team, I have been good friends with the Medic. We always just really seemed to click, as if we were meant to be friends. But I had secretly wished we could be more than that for quite some time now....

Medic opened one of the doors and peered down at me. He wasn't wearing his lab coat or his boots, and his glasses sat crooked on his nose. His usually neat black hair was quite messy, as if he'd run his fingers through it many times out of frustration. Dark circles hung under his grey-blue eyes.

"Oh...hello frau" he said, smiling tiredly. I smiled back at him and held out the plate.

"I thought I'd bring you dinner since you didn't eat with the rest of us" I said.

He took the food and motioned for me to follow him.

"Danke. Come in, I could use some company vile I take mein break." he offered. I nodded and followed him into his lab.

"So what exactly are you doing in here?" I asked, sitting down at a table with him as he started to eat.

"Vell...since you are a woman, maybe you can help me?" he asked, as if pleading with me.

"Well...I'm not exactly the most feminine being a soldier and all...but I'll do my best I guess..." I replied somewhat awkwardly.

"Ok...vell I really like zis girl und....I don't know how to tell her. Any adivce?" he asked.

I hesitated, completely stunned.

'He...he likes Scout?? She has to be it, she's the only other girl!! Oh no...b-but I like him so much!"

I swallowed hard and looked down.

"Um...well...I would just be honest with her. Y'know maybe write her a note...slip it under her door. Something cute like that." I said as calmly as I could.

He pursed his lips and stared down at his nearly-finished food, as if taking silent notes in his mind.

"Alright...I vill try zat. Danke, frau." he said with a smile.

"Yeah no'm gonna get going. I'm SO tired and I gotta get up earlier than anyone to train so...yeah" I said, standing up.

"Oh sure. I vill see you tomorrow zen, (y/n)." he said as I walked out.

But I didn't really go to my room. I was too upset to even try to sleep.

I managed to hold my emotions until I got to the training room.

I began to furiously sprint laps around the room, smacking dummies upside the head with my shovel as I went. I let out a loud cry of anger and pushed myself even more, until I couldn't feel my legs. And I could barely breathe.

And I collapsed there on the gym floor, my shovel still clenched tight in my hand.

Drowsiness overtook me and I passed out.

I woke the next morning and pushed myself off the floor. There was a deep ache in my legs so bad that I couldn't get up properly. I grabbed my shovel and extended the handle so that it could support me.

I slowly made my way back to my room and opened the door.


And there...on the navy blue carpet....was a neat little envelope.

I plopped on the edge of my bed and opened it carefully.

' Dearest (y/n),

I am sorry I couldn't tell you this in person. I really wish I could have but when I look at you, the sparkle in your (e/c) eyes and your bright smile, I cannot form the words to do so.

I love you (y/n).

The girl I was talking about was actually you all along. I do hope you return my feelings but if you do not, please know that I understand.


Tears of joy ran down my cheeks. I picked up the phone next to my bed and dialed his number.


"Um...hey Medic"

"O-Oh....(y/n), it's you. Um...what can I do for you?"

"Well I just wanted to tell you I love you too. I have for a long time now. And I'm sorry I didn't come to the lab to tell you but I can barely walk." I said quickly, a deep, warm blush covering my cheeks.

He was silent for a moment.

"Oh (y/n) have no idea how happy you've made me! I-I am coming to your room so just stay zere."

With that we hung up.

(Author-chan's POV)

Medic arrived a while later and kissed his beloved (y/n) immediately. They stayed there the entire day, talking randomly and cuddling and kissing once in a while.

Thus was the story of you and your adorable german doctor boyfriend.

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