Come Home (Soldier x Reader)

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I sat at the wooden dining table, flipping through a newspaper and sipping coffee. I was wearing one of Soldier's t-shirts, which fell off of one shoulder and fit me like a dress, with grey short-shorts.

I sighed and hugged the fabric of the shirt closer around myself. I missed my shovel-waving military man like crazy while he was away. He wasn't even allowed to contact me while he was away, so how was I supposed to know he was even still alive?

Just as I thought of this, I heard keys in the door.

My eyes widened as my boyfriend stepped inside, smiling. He dropped his bags on the floor.

"Honey, I'm home!" he called, spreading his arms wide.

I ran to him and jumped into his waiting arms.

"Oh Soldier!! I missed you so much baby! I was worried you might never return!" I cried.

"Negative. Nothing will keep me away from my girl, I won't let it!" he stated boldly.

He shut the door with his foot and carried me to our bedroom, trailing kisses up and down my cheeks and neck.

(Idk, just something cute I thought of :3)

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