Through the Scope (Sniper x Reader)

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(Before we start, I would like to say that I don't really know how to do an aussie accent through typing. Sorry.)

I sat across from Sniper, catching up on my reading while he cleaned his rifle. I looked up from my book and smiled.

"When are you gonna teach me how to snipe?" I asked.

He chuckled and took a sip of his coffee.

"Well since we got the day off, might as well teach ya now. If you're up for it." he replied.

I giggled and clapped.

He grabbed his rifle and led me outside to a good sniping place. Targets were set below.
Since it was a ceasefire day, the battle grounds were used to train and practice.

Scout was running laps around the base, Demo was passed out drunk in the corner, Spy was leaned against the wall smoking a cigarette, and Soldier was timing Scout and yelling at him to go faster each time. Everyone else was inside, I assumed.

Sniper set everything up and showed me how to hold the rifle.
The first time I shot, I missed widely.

"Well shit..." I mumbled.

Suddenly I felt him press against me and wrap his arms around me.

"Here, relax your stance. Now look through the scope and focus. Center the target in your sights.....And boom, headshot..." he said, voice low and gruff as he whispered in my ear. I shivered at his warmth pressed against me.

I shot.

And made it!

He smiled and pulled away.

"See, (y/n)? I knew ya had it in ya, you're a natural!" he laughed.

I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around his neck

"So...where's my reward for being a good student...?" I asked innocently.

He growled.

"Oi, I'll give ya a reward alright..." he said, putting his hands on my hips and kissing me deeply.
When we parted for air, he threw me over his shoulder and ran back to the van.

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