The 1st Snow (Medic x Reader)

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(Requested by VexDeathmoon. Enjoy!)

I hadn't been on the team for very long, having started only a month ago. Everything was going pretty good until winter came around.

And one day, it started to snow.

And snow.

And snow.

But of course, war doesn't take snow days. Meaning, I had to go out and fight despite the fact that I had no coat.

Apparently, when I'd left my home in (city), I forgot to pack my winter coat. I cursed under my breath as I turned all of my suitcases and duffle bags upside down and threw everything out of my dresser.
I sat in the middle of a giant pile of clothes, weapons, and other belongings of mine, defeated.

Then the speakers came on.

"Mission begins in half an hour!"

I huffed and decided my best bet would be to layer my clothing.
So I first put on a tank top, then a long-sleeved shirt, then a t-shirt, then a jacket.
Praying it would be enough, I grabbed my (weapon), laced up my combat boots, and ran out the door.

As I fought, I felt myself getting colder and colder. I was about to just say 'fuck it' and go back inside, risking an ass-chewing from Soldier, when our victory was announced.

No matter what I did, I just couldn't get warm. I had done all I could do, so I went to see Medic.

I arrived at his lab and entered through the metal double doors. He was seated at his desk, his lab coat draped across the back of his chair and his gloves laying on the desk. Archimedes was perched on his finger.

"Um hey Medic...." I said quietly.

He turned around.

"Oh hello frauline. Vhy are you still avake?" he asked.

"Well I'm still cold from today. No matter what I do, I just can't get warm and I was wondering if theres a reason for that?" I asked.

He thought for a moment then shrugged.

"None zat I can think of. But I do believe I can help you. Come and sit here." he said, pulling up another chair next to his. I sat down and he draped a thick red blanket around my shoulders.

"I vill be back in a moment" he said, walking off.

While he was gone doing God knows what, Archimedes flew down and landed on my head. I giggled and scooped him up in my hands.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" I asked the dove. He just cooed and shook his feathers a bit in response.

Medic came back shortly after, holding 2 white mugs. He handed me one and sat the other on his desk.

"Careful, zis is hot" he said, sitting back down.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at it curiously.

He took a small sip and smiled.

"Hot chocolate of course! Vat else vould one drink after being in ze snow?" he said cheerfully. I chuckled and sipped it, letting its comforting warmth run down my throat and warm me from the inside out.
He held his mug in his hands and looked down into it, as if deep in thought.

"Something on your mind, doc?" I asked, setting my cup down. He shook his head.

"Ah....vell....its not important really...." he said.

Without thinking, I reached out and took his hand. He looked up at me curiously.

"Medic, I know there's something you're not telling me. And I know that-"


I blinked.

"Wh-What?" I asked, clearly puzzled.

"Mein real name....its Josef. Josef Heilburger." he clarified. "Nobody but you and I knows it. Its not even on mein personnel file for zis company." he said softly.

" then why did you want me to know?" I asked.

He sighed and leaned forward a bit, looking into my eyes.

"Because.....vell....I love you (y/n). As as such, I vanted you to know mein real name." he admitted, light pink dusting his cheeks.

I threw my arms around his neck. Slowly, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Josef....I like that, it suits you. And guess what?"


"I love you too..." I whispered in his ear, placing a light kiss on his cheek.

I'm so glad I forgot my coat.

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