Cold Silence (Scout x Reader)

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(Im listening to 'Sweater Weather' by The Neighborhood as I type. Im using it as inspiration)

I shivered slightly, pulling my red jacket tighter around me and pulling the sleeves down over my palms. It was awkward trying to hold a gun that way, but I had forgotten my gloves in my room. I cursed myself and pulled my hood up over my head.

Suddenly, a loud warning siren came over the intercom. The announcer stated in a haste,

"The power is down in both bases! The respawn system is not active, I repeat, NOT ACTIVE! Hold your fire!"

But knowing how insane the BLU's were, they would fire anyway. Spy's voice came on all our earpieces,

"I overheard the BLU's planning to attack anyway. Everyone, hide or be killed for good!" he stated urgently.

I began to run into the base, looking for a good hiding place.

As I passed by a broom closet, the door opened and a bandaged hand yanked me inside. I was about to scream when Scout whispered,

"Shh, just me sunshine. Everyone else already hid, didn't want ya to get ya head blown off."

I nodded, facing him now.

"Oh okay....thanks Scout." I replied.

There was a long, awkward pause. Then I noticed something.

No power, no heat.....with 4 ft of snow on the ground. Perfect.

Soon, the cold got to me and I shivered. Scout noticed this and, after a long pause, pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him in confusion and he was glaring at the wall, a noticable blush decorating his cheeks. I smiled and snuggled up to his inviting warmth.

"Thanks Scout..."

"Yeah, whateva. Can't have ya gettin a cold or somethin, right? Can't fight when you're sick..."

I nodded and laid my head against his chest, reaching up and playing with his dog tags. He huffed again.

He gulped and began to speak quickly and quietly.

"Look, now's really not the time or place to do this so I'm gonna make it fast. I...I really like ya, (y/n). More than I ever liked anybody. And I was wonderin...after the power comes back and all this shit blows over.....maybe you wanna, well, yknow....." he trailed off.

I blinked.
Then smiled.

"Oh Scout, that's so sweet! Of course, I'd love to go out with you!" I said happily. He sighed in relief. I leaned up and kissed his cheek, watching as his eyes widened and a smirk grew on his face.

"I love you Scout"

"Love you more, (y/n)..."

We stayed like this until the power came back and the respawn system rebooted itself. When we finally did leave the closet, we stayed close to each other in battle and watched each other's backs.
Then finally, the announcer came on over the speakers.


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