Taken by the Enemy (Spy x Reader)

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3 weeks....you'd been stuck in that place for an estimated 3 weeks.

But who knows? It was probably longer than that.

At least...it felt like it.

You sighed as you picked up a rock and scratched another tally mark into the concrete. You couldn't believe you were caught by the RED team; you thought you were the best agent around!

But it was especially strange, you thought, that your team had not yet come for you. In fact, just before your headset was smashed, you heard Scout yelling,

"(Y/n) don't worry! We're coming, just hang tight! We're gonna-"

Then Scout's voice was gone.

You cringed as you remembered this. And you began to cry.

Did they just forget about you?
Didn't they care about you at all?

But most importantly, did HE care?

You cared for him, the wine-drinking, suit-obsessed frenchman. For a while before your capture, you thought he may have liked you back.

But you supposed it didn't matter now.

Just then, a RED soldier walked in and threw some old bread and half a bottle of water in your cage.

"EAT UP, MAGGOT!" he yelled, before leaving and slamming the door so loud you flinched.

You ate off of the side that hadn't touched the dirty, bloodstained floor. And you were nearly done, when RED sniper came in.

"Its Tuesday, sheila...you know what that means..." he chuckled.

"P-Please...no more of that....h-have mercy!" you begged.

He just laughed and unlocked the cage.

"Keep quiet now. Can't have the others hearing us, yeah?"



He left you there when he was done, and you sat huddled in the corner, sobbing.

You wished then that you hadn't struggled. When you tried to squirm away, he took his pocket knife and slashed your cheek.

Through your sobbing and trauma, you didn't notice the large door opening.

You didn't notice your friends ambushing the enemy.

And you blacked out just as a certain cigarette-smoking rouge picked you up and ran.


You woke up later in the infirmary. You felt dizzy and groggy. The light was bright, but you did your best to look around.

Then you noticed him.

Spy was sleeping in a chair next to your cot. His tie was undone, and an empty glass of wine sat next to him.

You coughed and he jumped awake, holding up his butterfly knife.

You realized then that he had been guarding you all night. You almost smiled.

"(Y-Y/n)! When did 'ou wake up, mon amour?"

You knew a bit of French, and your cheeks grew warm immediately.

"Um...just now" you said, your voice hoarse.

"(Y/n), erm, I have ze confession to make..."

There was a pause, and you waited patiently for him to continue.

"(Y/n)...I love you"

You were stunned, but as soon as you processed his words, you smiled.

"Oh Spy..."

He looked up hopefully.

"I love you too"

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