Pancakes (Pyro x Reader)

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On ceasefire days, we usually wake up late and make a big breakfast. Pyro and I are usually the ones who cook for the team, so we get up a little earlier.

I was getting a pan out of the cabinet when I heard Pyro giggle. I asked what was so funny, but he just laughed more. I turned around to demand why he was laughing....and he wiped pancake batter on the tip of my nose. I blinked, then narrowed my eyes playfully at my best friend.

"That's not fair! You're wearing a mask, so I can't get you back!" I whined.

He just giggled so I rolled my eyes and grumbled,

"I mean, for all anybody knows, you don't even have a nose...."

He stopped laughing and sighed. He wiped the batter off my nose.

Then he looked around, and motioned for me to follow him. Since the food was nearly ready anyway, I followed him to his room.

He locked the door behind us and carefully slid his mask off.

I gasped, my eyes growing wide.

He. Was. Adorable!!

He had soft blonde hair that swooped across his forehead and stopped just below his ears in the back. His eyes were a bright, lively green. He had a scar of some sort on his left cheek and the soft pink of it contrasted with his pale skin.

He smiled nervously. And for the first time in my life, I heard him clearly speak.

"So? What do you think?" he asked.

Momentarily recovering from my shock, I moved forward and threw my arms around him.

"Aww Pyro! I think you look amazing!" I gushed.

He hugged me back and kissed my cheek.

We stayed like that until Soldier began banging on the door.

"WHERE IS MY FOOD!?" he yelled.

Pyro and I let out a small laugh and he put his mask back on as we walked out.

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