My Angel (Spy x Reader)

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WARNING: Very sad tragic ending. If you cannot handle it, I suggest you take your weak self elsewhere honey cause this ain't no kid's show! (Jk but seriously)

"I am so sorry herr Spy...I have done all I can do. She vas a good (class type) and a good frauline. I vill let you...say goodbye now."

Spy couldn't believe this was happening. He walked in and sat next to the operating table. He removed his mask and ran his fingers through his hair.

The usually suave and sly frenchman was falling to pieces as he sat next to his doomed bride.

He gently took your hand and kissed it, same as he did when you two first met.

He whispered a final "I love you" in your ear before the line went flat. Spy's entire body shook with his tormented sobs. Medic, upon hearing the line go flat, walked in and placed a hand on Spy's shoulder before disconnecting the machines.

Spy takes the necklace he gave you years ago out of his pocket and kisses it for good luck.
Its been 3 years since he lost you. He never even bothered dating again.

The battle begins.

The locket is back in his pocket now as he cloaks himself and runs out into battle, his angel's sweet smile playing in his mind.

I dunno, just something super short since I had the idea.
......well.....I've been listening to Sia a lot >.<
Blah...whatever I just felt gloomy I guess...

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