Fire *Prologue*

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It was a warm and sunny day. On a say like this I would go outside and lay down on the grass, then look up at the clouds and feel completely and utterly relaxed and serene. And I would have if my house hadn’t just burned down, with my parents in it. So yeah, warm day, sunny day, and worst day of my life.

I lived in an old house, probably one of the oldest houses there are in Florida. It was small with only two bedrooms a small kitchen and a bathroom. We weren’t rich but we managed to get by. 

The day my parents died was awful.

I was out getting dinner at the store a block away from where I lived when a team of fire trucks sped down the street. I quickly got into my car and drove down the street following the trucks all the way to my street, and watched as, to my dismay; they stopped in front of my yard. Only what I saw wasn't my house, my house had a sort of rustic charm to it, with a nice front lawn and big windows. But as I stepped out of my car I was greeted by flames twice my size, towering over me, and burning the only place I call home!

As I stood there shell-shocked I watched as slowly the flames started to die down and people started rushing in looking for any signs of life, but there were none. Finally, just as I was beginning to give up hope, a fireman carried a large form into an ambulance.

I ran towards the ambulance, I didn’t care if it was mom or dad I was just glad at least one was alive. As I ran towards the ambulance I saw them starting to close the doors.

“Wait!” I screamed running closer to the car “wait, please”.

I made just as the doors were about to shut.

“Stop!” I yelled tears stinging my eyes “let me on, PLEASE!” I begged as the paramedics tried to hold me out of the way.

“They're my parents!” I yelled, feeling panic bubble up inside me. I needed to be on that ambulance, needed to see who had survived. “There my parents, let me on let me on” I started kicking and hitting anyone who came near me. I NEEDED to be on that ambulance,

Suddenly I was being pushed inside the ambulance and I sighed in relief. That was until I saw the injured form of my dad laying on a gurney.

“Dad! Dad oh my God, Dad!”

I stared mouth open at him as the tears started to flow. The paramedics moved in to work on him but he just waved them off “my daughter” he gasped, struggling for breath “I need to see my daughter”.

The head paramedic stared at him “sir, please you need medical attention you have many severe burns and-”

“shut up and let me see my daughter” he yelled searching the room. When his eyes landed on me he let out a sigh of relief, “Grace...”. “Dad,” I gasped taking in his appearance.

He had third degree burns all over the right side of his face, and while his left arm looked fine his right had a large piece of metal sticking out of it, and a scary pool of blood was gathering on his chest.

“Grace,” he looked at me right in the eye and talked slowly as if I were the one dying and not him. “Grace you need to listen to me very carefully, can you do that”. I nodded still numb with the shock of all that had happened. He reached his left arm into his pocket very slowly and pulled out a silver necklace.

“Grace,” he said, an air of urgency entering his voice “you must take this and never let it out of your sight. You must wear it always”.

I stared at him, he was dying and he wouldn’t let doctors operate on him because of a silly little trinket.

He seemed to know what I was thinking because he gave me a hard look and said “this necklace has been in the family for generations, it will protect you when I’m not there. Promise me you’ll always wear it”.

I gulped “I promise dad” I responded, my voice breaking.

“Good, good” he muttered looking satisfied, “I love you grace and your mother did to”.

“I love you too dad”.

I reached down and grabbed his hand, more tears flowed down my face but I didn’t try to wipe them away. “Dad,” I said my voice barely a whisper “dad please, don’t leave me”.

He looked at me again a sad look entering his eyes, “you’re too young for this, I’m sorry honey”.

“Dad you aren’t going anywhere please you need to stay”.

“I love you” he said “don’t ever forget that I love you”.

His eyes never left mine and I was with him as he took his last rattling breath and his eyes slowly hazed over. “

Dad no!” I yelled letting out a scream of sadness and frustration.

And I stood there sobbing still clutching his hand, which was already beginning to feel cold.

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